  • 學位論文


Mandarin Idioms Teaching Material Design for Japanese Intermediate Learner

指導教授 : 李育娟


成語、俗諺內容豐富,僅短短幾字卻包含了深遠的寓意或故事,同時蘊含華人文化重要的價值觀、思想、歷史等豐富文化價值。對於華語學習者來說,學習成語、俗諺不僅能提升詞彙水準,更有助於掌握華人文化知識。 日語熟語多源自於中文,因此日語母語學習者能較快掌握中文的成語、俗諺。然而它們的發音及表現型態和日語不盡相同,當今使用的意義可能也有所差別,使得學習者容易產生偏誤。 目前學界缺乏針對日語母學習者設計的成語、俗諺教材,且教材程度多偏向高級。更少有以中日相近的成語、俗諺作為切入點開發的教材。筆者認為基於日語母語學習者的優勢,在中級時就能接觸更多的成語、俗諺。故此本研究透過文獻爬梳確立教材編寫原則,並分析日本高中國語科「古典B」課程教材中的漢文選文,統整出學習者在母語中就可能接觸過的中文成語、俗諺,最後依據學習者的學習特徵編寫教材。 本研究以開發之教材實際進行教學實驗。結果顯示本教材確實能使學習者在中級階段就系統化學習中文成語、俗諺,且清楚其發音、語義、型態。另外,中文成語、俗諺的文化內涵,也能使學習者願意深化對中華文化的瞭解。


Idioms are powerful. With only a few words, it speaks of stories with profound meaning while holding all the values, thinking, and history contained in Chinese culture. For mandarin learners, the learning of idioms not only improves learners’ lexical choice but also offers a more comprehensive grasp of Chinese culture. Japanese idioms are mostly derived from Mandarin, which results in the faster learning speed of Mandarin idioms for Japanese learners. However, due to the language differences in pronunciation, characters and expressions, and the possible meaning change that had occurred throughout ages, it is common for learners to make mistakes during their learning process. At present, there is a lack of idioms teaching materials designed for Japanese learners in academic circles, and the existing ones target mostly advanced learners. There are fewer textbooks that use similar idioms between China and Japan as the entry point for learning. The author believes that Japanese learners own learning advantages due to the linguistic similarities in their mother tongue and should be given access to more mandarin idioms compared to other intermediate mandarin learners. Thus, this paper conducted a literature review to confirm the designing principle of teaching materials and further analyzes the selected Chinese essays in the textbook "Classical B" used in Japanese high-level Chinese language courses. By unifying the mandarin idioms Japanese learners may have already come into contact with in their mother tongue, this paper compiles a teaching material that is based on learner characteristics. This research uses the self-developed teaching materials for teaching experiments. The results show that it can indeed enable learners at the intermediate level to systematically learn Mandarin idioms, and be clear about their pronunciation, semantics, and patterns. In addition, the understanding of the cultural connotation of Mandarin idioms is also found to arouse learners’ willingness to deepen their understanding of Chinese culture.


王淑燕、陳光達、俞智敏(譯)(1998)。文化(原作者:Chris Jenks)。台北市:巨流圖書公司。
