  • 學位論文


A Qualitative Research on the Motivations and Benefits of Mobile Game in Older Adults

指導教授 : 廖邕


臺灣早在1993年便成為高齡化社會,拜醫療與公共衛生的進步,國人的平均壽命越來越長,根據統計民國108年國人平均壽命達80.9歲,比較聯合國公布全球平均壽命,我國男、女性皆高於全球平均水準,分別多7.5歲及9.2歲。隨著平均餘命的增加,過去人們從退休到過世的時間很短,但依據我國勞動基準法強制退休年齡延後至65歲,現在的人退休後至少多出15年的時間度過餘生。退休後時間該如何充分利用,以提升高齡者生活品質、心理健康及精神狀態,除了考慮高齡者福祉、生活及心理需求等議題,設計符合高齡者生理及心理需求的數位遊戲產品,可以讓高齡者有更多的娛樂安排,增加高齡者對生活的滿意度。 本研究之研究對象招募了6位有在玩手機遊戲、年紀介於55~69歲的高齡者。研究結果如下: (1)容易打發時間是高齡者參與的動機 (2)高齡者對遊戲忠誠度高 (3)高齡者覺得遊戲內社交行為麻煩 (4) 高齡者玩遊戲活化腦力防失智,也擔心視力退化。   整體而言,55歲以上的高齡長者擁有許多寬裕的時間,也因此生活感到無聊,若從休閒的視角出發,像手機遊戲這種免費又能隨手取得的休閒方式,足見手機遊戲對高齡者來說是打發時間的最好選擇。


According to the statistics of Ministry of the Interior in 2020, the average life expectancy in Taiwan reached 80.9 years. Compared with the global average life expectancy announced by the United Nations, both men and women are higher than the global average (7.5 years and 9.2 years longer respectively). With the increase of life expectancy, people used to have a short time from retirement to death. However, according to the Labor Standards Law of our country, the retirement age is postponed to 65 years old. People have at least 15 more years to spend in the rest of their lives after retirement. It is important to utilize the time after retirement and further improve the quality of life, mental health and spiritual state of older adults, examine How to make full use of the time after retirement. In addition to the issues of welfare, life and psychological demands of older adults, the quality of their social network, and the type and frequency of social participation are also worth to be noted. The participants of this study were older adults aged 55-69 years who were playing mobile game. The results showed that (1) Killing time is the key motivation of participation for older adults. (2) Older adults have high loyalty to games. (3) Older adults thought the social interactions in games are troublesome. (3) Older adults thought that playing mobile game is beneficial for dementia prevention but also could cause vision deterioration. Overall, older adults aged over 55 years have a lot of free time and therefore feel bored in life. From a leisure perspective, free and readily accessible leisure activity like mobile games showed that mobile games are very useful for the older adults to spend their time.


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