  • 學位論文


Effect of breaking up sedentary behavior with physical activity on cognitive flexibility in middle-aged and older adults: An ERP study

指導教授 : 張育愷


中老年人長時間靜態行為對認知功能產生負面影響之論點已成為當今重要的公共衛生議題。過去研究指出以身體活動中斷靜態行為能改善諸多與認知功能有關之生理指標,但該議題直接探討對認知功能影響之研究相當有限,且尚未有一致的結論,此外,目前尚無該議題在認知功能的測驗上目前只有行為的測量。本研究目的為探討以身體活動中斷靜態行為對認知彈性、事件相關電位之P3振幅與餐後血糖之影響。本研究招募共60名64±4歲中老年人並以隨機方式分為 (一) 連續久坐組 (PS組):連續久坐; (二) 中斷久坐組 (ACT):中度強度的騎行中斷連續久坐。本研究使用混合設計三因子變異數分析檢測任務轉換測驗的表現與P3振幅差異,並使獨立樣本t檢定分析檢測餐後血糖與心率。本研究結果顯示轉換測驗以及P3振幅在組間皆無顯著差異,兩組之間之心率與餐後血糖之iAUC有顯著差異 (p< .05)。本研究發現以身體活動中斷久坐可以改善餐後血糖,然而 3.5小時靜態行為對認知彈性的效應並不受到有無身體活動中斷的影響,顯示身體活動中斷靜態行為其對血糖控制產生之效應皆獨立於認知彈性。


Recent research has shown breaking sedentary behavior (SB) with short bouts of physical activity (PA) might positively impact physiological indicators related to cognitive function (CF). Notably, the effects on CF have still been underexplored. Besides, no previous research has utilized the neuroelectrical approach to examine the potential underlying mechanisms of breaking SB on CF. This study has aimed to determine the effects of breaking SB with short bouts of PA on cognitive flexibility, P3 amplitudes of event-related potentials, and postprandial blood glucose in middle-aged and older adults. Sixty participants aged 64±4 years took part in two 3.5-hour groups: (1) prolonged sitting (PS), and (2) sitting with moderate-intensity cycling breaks (ACT). Cognitive flexibility and P3 amplitudes were analyzed separately with the 3-way Mixed Design ANOVAs. Blood glucose level was examined using the t-test. There were no significant differences in cognitive flexibility and P3 amplitudes between the groups. The incremental area under the curve of blood glucose was significantly higher in the PS than in ACT (p<.05). While postprandial glucose has been positively impacted by breaking up SB, the cognitive flexibility has not been affected by the prolonged sitting or the breaking SB, suggesting the independent influence of breaking SB on physiological and cognitive indices in middle-aged and older adults.


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