  • 學位論文


A Cross-level Analysis on the Impact of Occupational Fit and Anti-stress on Work Performance: A Lifestyle Approach

指導教授 : 林正昌




This study examined the relationship between an individual's lifestyle and professional interests, as well as the factors that affect his/her work performance. The impact of anti-stress and work fit on work performance has long been a topic of research interest to organization-related studies and practitioners. While in this study the relationships among the individual anti-stress, occupational fit and work performance were explored. The possible roles of occupational group fit at the group level were also integrated through a cross-level model. This study conducted a cross-industry survey through the LOHAS Lifestyle Questionnaire, and collected data for analysis from 735 full-time employees in 19 occupational categories. Coupled with the Human Resource Knowledge (HRK) system analysis, the correlations among individual lifestyle and occupational interests were explained and the occupational fit between individuals were measured. The results of hierarchical linear regression showed that “anti-stress” at individual level and “occupational group fit” at the group level produced the significantly positive impacts on work performance of individuals. The “people-occupational group fit” at the individual level produced no significant impact on work performance, and the “occupational group fit” produced no significant moderating effect on the relationship between individual “people-occupational group fit” and work performance. Finally, the recommendations for future researchers and practical application were made based on the study findings, and the limitations and suggestions of the study were explained.


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