  • 學位論文


The Subjectivity of Taiwanese Actors of Hong Kong's Anti-ELAB Movement

指導教授 : 張錦華


2019 年香港爆發反送中運動是在抗議《逃犯條例修訂草案》將香港的犯罪嫌疑人引渡至中國大陸受審。反對者擔心這會損害香港在「一國兩制」及《基本法》下獨立司法管轄權地位。在香港引發大規模的社會運動,而台灣也有一群青年透過各自的方式投入這場跨境運動。因此,本研究想理解為什麼這群青年會參與香港運動,在當中採取何種行動,以及他們想達成什麼樣的目的。 因此,本研究採取深度訪談法,共訪問了十三名參與反送中運動的台灣行動者。理論依據是法國學者 Alain Touraine 行動者主體理論,並加以修正,從個人主體、社群主體、歷史主體三面向, 剖析行動者所展現的主體性與主體化過程。另外,因這場運動為跨境的運動,因此會特別聚焦於行動者如何透過網路參與運動。 研究發現,「個人主體」部分,行動者因個人與香港的連結、看到高度衝突的畫面等引發人道關懷與焦慮感,迫使他們投入運動;他們希望能提供社會理性資訊、促進港台交流、提供實質上的協助。「社群主體」面向,行動者理解社群連結的重要性,及組織在這場運動扮演的角色;也感受到社群認同感如何幫助他們在這場運動中不感到孤單、有夥伴的支持。整體運動也是這群行動者蛻變為「歷史主體」,不但喚醒大眾的對中國威脅的意識,更改造政府作為。「網路」則是串起這場運動的重要媒介。


The Anti-ELAB Movement broke out in Hong Kong in 2019 due to protests against the extradition bill to allow criminal suspects from Hong Kong to be extradited to mainland China for trial. Opponents worry that this will undermine Hong Kong's status as an independent jurisdiction under "One Country, Two Systems" and the Basic Law. A large-scale social movement has been triggered in Hong Kong, and there are also a group of young people in Taiwan who are involved in this cross-border movement in their own way. Therefore, this study wants to understand why these young people participate in the Hong Kong movement, what actions they take in it, and what they want to do. Therefore, this paper used the research method of in-depth interview and has interviewed 13 Taiwanese activists who participated in the Anti-ELAB Movement. This paper shows how activists have constructed their subjectivity through different phases in this movement with Touraine's notion of social actor and subjectivity. In addition, because this movement is a cross-border movement, it will focus on how actors participate in the movement through the Internet. The research found that there are three phases for these students to build up their subjectivity. The first phase was to become an ethical subject, i.e., the activists felt humanitarian concern and anxiety because of their personal connection with Hong Kong and seeing highly conflicting pictures. They hoped to provide social rational information, promote exchanges between Hong Kong and Taiwan, Provide substantial assistance. The second phase is communal subjectivity, the activist's understand the importance of community connection, and the role of the organization in this movement; and how the sense of community identity helps them not feel alone and have the support of partners in this movement. The overall movement is also the transformation of this group of actors into historical subjects, which not only awakens the public's awareness of the threat to China, but also changes the government's actions. The Internet is an important medium for this cross-border movement


中央社(2021年3月3日)。〈自由之家2021全球報告 台灣自由度94分排亞洲第2〉。取自《中央社》:https://www.cna.com.tw/news/firstnews/202103030332.aspx
中央社(2021年9月8日)。〈反送中爆發至今 香港警方拘捕逾萬人〉。取自《中央社》:https://udn.com/news/story/7331/5730991
