  • 學位論文


The Influence of Art Education Therapy on Primary school students’ Emotion Management, Prosocial Behavior, and Aggressive Behavior

指導教授 : 田秀蘭


本研究之主要目的為探討藝術教育治療對國小學童情緒管理、利社會與攻擊行為之成效,也探討學生、家長與科任教師對藝術教育治療之評價。研究方法採準實驗研究之不等組前後測設計。研究對象為臺北市某國小四年級學生。實驗組為研究者所任教之班級,而另一班為對照組。實驗課程為期一個學期,每兩週一次,每次教學時間為八十分鐘,故每週課程為四十分鐘。主要以「情緒管理量表」、「學生利社會行為量表」與「攻擊性行為量表」為實驗工具,分別於課程實施前、後進行施測,進行「單因子共變數分析」。另外蒐集「教師省思札記」、「學生課程回饋表」、「家長課程回饋表」、「科任教師課程回饋表」作質性分析。 本研究結果顯示: 一、接受藝術教育治療的實驗組學生其「暴力攻擊」有顯著降低。 二、接受藝術教育治療的實驗組學生其「情緒運用」、「情緒調整」、「他人情緒覺察」、「情緒表達」、「分享」、「關照」、「救助」、「合作」有所提升,但未達到顯著差異。 三、接受藝術教育治療的實驗組學生其「言語攻擊」、「替代攻擊」有所降低,但未達顯著差異。 四、情緒管理與利社會行為呈顯著正相關;情緒管理與攻擊行為呈顯著負相關;利社會行為與攻擊行為呈顯著負相關。 五、實驗組多數學童與家長對藝術教育治療有正面之評價。學生覺得自己較能與他人合作、藝術美感技巧有所提升;家長覺得學生之藝術美感技巧、耐性、專注度等有所提升;科任教師認為班級之氣氛變得較為良好,多數同學與特殊學生的衝突減少。部分特殊生之情緒管理能力提升,發脾氣頻率降低。


The main purpose of the research is to investigate the influence of art education therapy on primary school students’ emotion management, prosocial behavior, and aggressive behavior, as well as the opinions from the students, their parents, and subject teachers about the effects of art education therapy applied. The research adopted a pretest-posttest nonequivalent groups designs, which is a quasi experimental design. The participants of the research are a group of fourth grade students from an elementary school in Taipei. They were from the class taught by the researcher, while another class in the same grade was taken as the control group. The experimental curriculum was executed for one semester. The researcher taught the designed course for 80 minutes once every two weeks, which is equivalent to 40 minutes a week. The Emotion Management Scale, the Social Behavior Scale, and the Aggressive Behavior Scale are mainly used as research tools. The researcher implemented these scales before and after the instruction of the course, and conducted analysis of covariance. Moreover, the teacher’s reflection and the feedbacks from the students, their parents, and subject teachers about the course were collected for qualitative analysis. The results of the research show that: The students in the experimental group who received art education therapy had a significant reduction in their "violent aggression". The students in the experimental group who received art education therapy have improved their "utilization of emotion", "regulation of emotion", "understanding and analyzing emotions", "emotional expression", "sharing", "caring", "rescuing" and "cooperating", but did not reach a significant difference. The "verbal aggression" and "substitution aggression" of the students in the experimental group who received art education therapy decreased, but there was no significant difference. There is a significant positive correlation between emotional management and prosocial behavior; emotional management was significantly negatively correlated with aggressive behavior; there is a significant negative correlation between prosocial behavior and aggressive behavior. Most of the children and parents in the experimental group had positive comments on art education therapy. Students feel that they are able to collaborate better with others and their artistic aesthetic skills have improved; parents feel that students’ artistic aesthetic skills, patience, and concentration have improved; subject teachers believe that the atmosphere of the class has become better, and the conflicts between normal students and students with special educational needs have been reduced. The emotional management ability of some students with special educational needs has been improved, and the frequency of tantrums has decreased.


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