  • 學位論文


The Study of the Operational Model of Regional Running Club - Exemplified by Yonghe Running Club

指導教授 : 湯添進


背景與動機:近年來由於路跑運動颳起一陣流行,許多人紛紛投入其中,隨之而來的路跑社團也成為大家嚮往的運動團體甚至成為新興生活圈。眾多類型路跑團體中,又以地區型路跑社團較具凝聚力且較能從基層扎根,進而成為推廣全民運動之助力,促進運動風氣。期望藉由永和慢跑俱樂部為個案,探討地方上的路跑社團如何完善經營運作,以供其他地區型路跑社團做為參考依據。研究目的:基於此,本研究欲以司徒達賢 (1999) 提出的CORPS模式之決策核心 (DC)、服務對象 (C)、業務營運 (O)、財力物力資源 (R)、人力組成結構 (P)、服務內容 (S) 六個面向,針對當前地區型跑團組織經營現況與困境作探討。研究方法:本研究採半結構式訪談,依照CORPS模式六個面向為根據,以以永和慢跑俱樂部為訪談對象。研究結果:地區型跑團組織的運作模式為理事長帶著總幹事領導組長,結合場地、經費,籌畫團練,創造歸屬感的氛圍,服務跑團中的會員。地區型跑團以地緣作為單位號召,組成性質不僅更貼近當地生活也有利於組織管理,且更能帶動該區運動文化、地區觀光甚至經濟效益。雖然地區型跑團一開始的成立緣由僅是因跑步相同嗜好使然,增進市民健康、發展全民體育,但在經營過程中透過社交活動、感情交流,創造認同感、歸屬感,最終地區型跑團也形成當地一社會支持網絡。


In recent years, the popularity towards Running Clubs have increased, and became popular among one’s life. From various Running Clubs, Regional Running Clubs are more cohesive, and can be developed from grassroot level. This will be a boost from National Sports in order to develop a sports environment. By exemplifying the Yonghe Running Club as a case study, other regional running clubs can use it as a reference to improve their own operation.The purpose of this study was to investigate the current operating conditions and difficulties of regional running clubs through decision core (DC), customers (C), operations (O), resources (R), participations (P), and services (S) six aspects proposed by Seetoo Dah-Hsian (1999). This research conducts semi-structured interviews, based on the six aspects of the CORPS model, and takes Yonghe Running Club as the interview object. The operating mode of Regional Running Club is lead by the Chairman, followed by Director General. This includes venues, funding, planning group trainings, creating an atmosphere of belongings, and to serve all the members from the group. The higher the homogeneity of the Regional Running Clubs, the more conductive towards organization and management. This can also promote sports culture, regional sightseeing and economic benefits in different areas. Although, the Regional Running Club first started due to members having common interest in promoting the health of the citizens, and developing sports for all. In the process of operation, social activities and emotional exchanges, these created a sense of identity and belonging. Finally, the Regional Running Club forms into a local support network.


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