  • 學位論文


Pursuit and Challenge–The effects and impact of unconventional organization's basketball training has on the players

指導教授 : 程瑞福


籃球一直是國人喜愛且熱門的運動項目,受到NBA全球化的影響,臺灣籃球漸漸改變,自主訓練就顯得特別重要,一直到了2018年2月,臺灣首位考取美國最大籃球訓練機構「I’m possible Training」的個人技術訓練師—余平顥,才慢慢引入類似的訓練機制,這樣的訓練機制引進帶給臺灣的影響與轉變為本研究想探討的因素。因此,本研究透過文件分析法瞭解臺灣籃球發展歷程與概況,再以半結構深度訪談方式,訪談內容作為本研究之依據,並進行驗證、解釋問題的癥結,進一步瞭解體制外訓練對球員的成長與影響。研究結果發現:(1) 體制外JTC籃球訓練團隊經營管理需調整策略來營運。(2) 球員選擇參與訓練是受到體制外訓練教練的訓練風格與指導風格因素。(3) 球員參與體制外訓練對技術與自信心都有所提升。


Basketball has always been a popular sport beloved by fans around the country. Due to the global impact of the NBA, Taiwan’s basketball has gradually changed, personal training has shown to be important. It wasn’t until February of 2018, Taiwan’s first personal trainer certified by the US’s largest training organization “I’m possible training” Ping Hao Yu started to introduce similar training programs. The introduction of these types of training programs effect and changes it brings to Taiwan are the factors that this study wants to explore. Therefore, this study uses documents to understand Taiwanese basketball’s growth and development, then uses semi-structured interview. Using the interview as the foundation of this study, then authentication, explaining the crux of the problem, and further understanding the impact of unconventional organization on the players’ growth. The study found that: (1) The management of the JTC basketball training team outside the system needs to revise the strategy to operate. (2) The players' choice of participation in training is influenced by the factor of training style and coaching style of the outside the system. (3) The players' participation in outside the system training improves their skills and self-confidence.


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