  • 學位論文


The Reality and Unreality of the Professionalization of Men's Basketball in Taiwan

指導教授 : 石明宗


多年來國內籃球一直以半職業化的超級籃球聯賽為主,由於經營不善等因素導致票房年年下滑,多年後國內許多有心人士成立P. League+職業籃球聯盟,在P. League+的成立使得國內籃球再度活絡起來。 本研究目的在於暸解台灣男子籃球職業化的現況與挑戰。透過質性深度訪談的方式,將訪談內容整理並分析後,得到以下三項結果:(一)國內職業籃球多年停滯不前,於2020年P. League+職業籃球聯盟成立,開啟台灣職業籃球的新篇章。(二)國內籃球職業化的挑戰為隊伍的增加、各球隊實力的平衡、更完善的規章,以及職業籃球的長久發展。(三) 國內籃球職業化之策略為聯盟賦予球團營運主導權、建立屬地主義、正確的行銷方向,與完善的賽務與規章。 本研究建議分為以下四點,(一)主客場的賽制,能有助於屬地主義的落實,進而提升營運的成效。(二)球團為主,聯盟為輔的型態,使球團有更多的空間得以發揮,有助於球團及聯盟的蓬勃發展。(三)提升整體水平及擴大國內市場可避免籃球人才的外流。(四)依據人口分布的狀態,平衡各地方球隊之數量才能發揮到最大的效益。


For the past decades, domestic professional basketball has been predominant by the semi-professional Super Basketball League (SBL). In recent years, some of the basketball fanatics within the country started the organization of the professional basketball league, P. League+. Its establishment reincarnated the prevalence of basketball in Taiwan. The purpose of this thesis is to understand the current nature and future of Taiwan professional basketball. Through results of qualitative in-depth interviews, concluded to the followings: Firstly, the establishment of P. League+ in 2020 opened a new chapter to national professional basketball. Secondly, complete competition regulation, long term development of professional basketball and teams’ expansion and balance of power poses challenges to the professionalization of domestic basketball. Thirdly, the strategy of professionalization of domestic basketball is associations handing operational freedom over to franchises, establish locality of fanbase, correct marketing approaches and complete competition regulations. This thesis is suggested to breakdown into four main points: Firstly, home-away system helps establishment of local fanbase which further improves marketing efficiency. Secondly, with franchises in primary charge and association as supplementary is beneficial to both parties’ development and prosperity. Thirdly, elevating the level of domestic basketball competition can prevent the outflow of talents. Fourthly, only by balancing the number of teams based on population distribution can team quality be optimized.


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