  • 學位論文


Analysis of the Core Value and Competitiveness of Information Channel Agents: The Case Study of X Company

指導教授 : 蕭中強




With the rapid development of technology and the continuous evolution of information equipment, The era of low-cost, Low-differentiation and meager profits of consumer computer products is coming. Under the state of complete competition in information channels, The supply exceeds the demand. With rapid response to market demand, Popularize product sales and services and expand economies of scale, Reduce operating costs, Continue to make profits, And enhance competitiveness and value creation.Channel agents act as a communication bridge between upstream suppliers' brand marketing and downstream distributors' product sales, Assisting in operational sales planning and implementation of product and channel strategies. Target customers have those unresolved pain points and those whose needs have not been met. Understand the strategic layout of the industry trend, Enhance competitiveness and build sustainable leadership and management capabilities, So that competitors cannot enter the target market and market that we have consolidated. Loyal customers, Through channel sales channels to establish a brand value image belonging to the agent.The core value of information channel agents depends on the breadth and depth of product sales channels, The operation and management mechanism that effectively and systematically manages numerous product categories, Customer orders, Shipments, And maintenance and customer service. The digital optimization and transformation of enterprises requires breakthroughs. Instead of dividing up the competition, It is better to innovate the differences and find the core value contribution of the enterprise in the blue ocean market.


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