  • 學位論文


The Study on Optimistic Explanatory Style, Emotion Regulation Strategies and Academic Performance Perception of Gifted Students in the Elementary Schools

指導教授 : 于曉平


本研究旨在了解國小資優學生樂觀解釋型態、情緒調節策略及學業表現感受之現況,並針對不同背景變項的國小資優生在樂觀解釋型態、情緒調節策略及學業表現感受等進行差異比較,進而探討三者間之相關性與預測情形。研究對象為國小三到六年級資優學生共755人,採用問卷調查法,問卷回收率為94%。問卷內容包含基本資料、學業表現感受、兒童解釋型態量表及情緒調節策略量表,問卷回收後整理出以下結論: 一、 國小資優學生面對正、負向事件傾向用樂觀的解釋型態來面對事情。較常使用「增加正向情緒」的情緒調節策略,「社會支持」、「發展新觀點」次之。且多數國小資優學生對自己的學業表現感受度高,僅有13位學生對自己的學業表現感受度低。 二、針對不同背景變項的差異情形,國小中年級的資優生較高年級資優學生來的樂觀;中、高年級資優學生在情緒調節與學業表現感受皆無顯著差異。而不同性別的國小資優學生,在解釋型態、情緒調節與學業表現感受上,皆無顯著差異。而在學業表現感受方面,高組學業表現感受之資優生較中組及低組資優生來的樂觀,也更常使用「發展新觀點」與「社會支持」,而「增加正向情緒」,僅高組學業表現感受之資優生較中組資優生更常使用。 三、最後,有關國小資優生樂觀解釋型態、情緒調節策略及學業表現感受之相關與預測效果,三者之間呈現低度正相關。且國小資優學生的樂觀解釋型態及其中之「正向事件解釋類化性」與情緒調節策略之「社會支持」對學業表現感受有預測效果。 根據研究結果,提出建議供未來研究者及資優教育參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the current situation of optimistic explanatory style, emotion regulation strategies and academic performance perception of gifted elementary school students. This study also compared the difference in optimistic explanatory style, emotion regulation strategies and academic performance perception among gifted elementary school students with a variety of background variables, and further investigated the correlation and predictability between these three. Gifted students who were between third and sixth grades in the elementary schools were administered a questionnaire. The questionnaire included basic information, academic performance perception, children's attributional style questionnaire and emotion regulation strategy scale. There were 755 valid questionnaires, with a validity rate of 94%. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Gifted students in the elementary schools tended to use an optimistic explanatory style when facing both positive and negative events. They most often used the emotion regulation strategy of "increasing positive emotion", followed by "social support" and "new perspective development". Moreover, most of them had a high academic performance perception, and only 13 students had a low academic performance perception. 2. In terms of the difference between background variables, the gifted middle graders were more optimistic than the gifted students in higher grades; there were no significant differences between middle and higher grades gifted students in emotional regulation strategies and academic performance perception. There were no significant differences between genders for elementary gifted students in optimistic explanatory style, emotion regulation strategies and academic performance perception. In terms of academic performance perception, high academic performance perception gifted students were more optimistic than middle and low academic performance perception gifted students. High academic performance perception gifted students were more likely to use "new perspective development" and "social support" than middle and low academic performance perception gifted students, while the high academic performance perception gifted students were more likely to use "increasing positive emotion" than middle academic performance perception gifted students only. 3. Finally, in terms of the correlation and predictability of optimistic explanatory style, emotion regulation strategies and academic performance perception among gifted students in the elementary schools, a low positive correlation was found. In addition, the explanatory style questionnaire of gifted students in the elementary schools, its "positive event explanation generalization" and "social support" of emotion regulation strategies could predict academic performance perception. In the end, based on the research results, suggestions were put forward for future researchers in gifted education.


