  • 學位論文


Urban governance and transformation of military traces in three Yilan airfields in the Japanese era

指導教授 : 林聖欽


本文旨在探討日本時代宜蘭三座飛行場的土地利用變遷與都市治理間的關係。文中整理從昭和11年(1936)推動民航飛行場,到昭和19年(1944)十號戰備發佈後,宜蘭成爲擁有三座飛行場的大型航空基地的過程,以及其後的土地利用變遷。從民航時期的飛行場建造至今約莫八十餘年以來,宜蘭三座飛行場的土地使用支配權力,深受國家政策與都市治理的影響,因此,本研究分成日本時代、戰後、民國70年(1981)以後三個階段,以都市治理概念探索宜蘭三座飛行場用地在這八十餘年間,土地利用是如何受到政治權力影響而變化,以及又如何影響都市本身的發展。 經過文獻查找、疊圖分析,搭配深度訪談、實地踏查後,本研究發現:日本時期大型航空基地的建立與太平洋戰事緊密相關,且目前部分的飛行場紋理尚存在宜蘭的道路、圳溝、田園、屋舍之間。宜蘭三座飛行場各階段土地利用變遷的原因,與不同階段的都市需求與軍事考量有關,而土地變遷同時也改變當代的都市發展。 宜蘭從民航時期至今的都市治理型態,歷經內地延長主義、二階段的皇民化運動、戒嚴時期及文化治理時期,在不同治理型態下,宜蘭三座飛行場的土地利用決策機制與政策也大不相同。日本時代民航時期的決策機制相對多元、治理手段上也採取軟硬兼施的方式進行,戰時的決策機制與政策是由遠在日本的陸海軍最高統帥機關——大本營以命令的方式發佈計畫、徵用勞工與土地。戰後,飛行場土地利用的決策主要由官方主導,政策也多屬由上對下的計畫,直到民國70年(1981)後決策機制才又趨於多元,非官方組織一同參與治理,形成地方治理現象,政策出現反饋並修正的過程,因而使該階段的土地利用更能貼近都市發展與居民需求。另外,本研究也發現,宜蘭在文化治理的理念下,宜蘭三座飛行場用地及其遺構現已成為重要的文化地景。


This paper explores the relationship between urban governance and the transformation of military traces in three Yilan airfields built during the Japanese era. This paper summarizes the process from Yilan City's promotion of the civil aviation airfield in 1936 to the release of the No. 10 Operational Preparation Outline in 1944 which makes Yilan become a large-scale aviation base with three airfields. In addition, we explore the effect of the subsequent transformation of military traces in these three airfields and find out the national policies dominated the transformation during the 80 years since the construction of the airfield in the period of civil aviation. Therefore, we explore how urban governance affects the land use of the three airfields in the past 80 years which divides into three periods: the period of Japanese occupation, after the war, and after the 70th year of the Republic of China. So that we can not only understand the influence of political power but how its governance affects the development of the city itself in each period. After the literature search, overlay analysis, in-depth interviews, and on-the-spot investigation. It shows that the establishment of the large-scale aviation base during the Japanese era was related to the proximity of the Pacific War. After the overlay analysis, it is confirmed that the military traces were still integrated into Yilan's roads, ditches, fields, and houses, and most of the airfield-related buildings were still preserved to this day. The transformation in land use in each period was related to the urban needs and military considerations, and also change the urban development of the period. By summarizing the urban governance and their governmentality in these three periods, it is found that the decision-making participants and policy means are completely different from the civil aviation airfield period to the present. During the civil aviation period, the decision-making participants were diverse, and the means of governance were also implemented in a soft and hard way. In wartime, decision-making participant is issued by the Imperial General Headquarters, the supreme commander of the army and navy far away in Japan, and use orders to expropriate people and land. After the war, the decision-making participants were mainly led by the government, and the policies were mostly top-down plans. The decision-making participants of the transformation in these three Yilan airfields have become more diversified after the 70th year of the Republic of China, and non-official organizations participate in governance together, which represents local governance has appeared in Yilan. Also, there is a process of feedback and revision of policy, so that the transformation of land use can be closer to the needs of urban development and residents. In addition, under the concept of cultural governance in Yilan, the remains of military traces in three Yilan airfields have now become important cultural landscapes.


