  • 學位論文


The Influence of Junior High School Students' Humor Style and their Help-Seeking Attitudes-Using Resilience and Self-stigma as Mediating Variables

指導教授 : 陳學志


本研究欲探討國中生幽默風格與求助態度之影響,並考驗復原力與自我污名在幽默風格與求助態度間的序列中介效果。研究方法採量化研究之問卷調查法,以110學年度國中生為研究對象,便利取樣7所國中,共36個班級,總計721名國中生。本研究以「中文版幽默風格量表」、「求助態度量表—短式」、「青少年復原力量表」與「求助之自我污名化量表」為研究工具,以獨立樣本t檢定、皮爾森相關、階層回歸進行資料分析,本研究結果與發現如下: 國中男性在親和型幽默、攻擊型幽默顯著高於國中女性;國中女性的求助態度顯著高於國中男性;傾向使用自我提升型幽默的國中生,求助態度越正向;復原力與自我污名在幽默風格與求助態度有序列中介的效果,其中傾向使用親和型幽默風格的國中生,會透過增加其復原力,減少自我污名的程度,進而提升求助態度;傾向使用自我提升型幽默的國中生,會透過增加其復原力,減少自我污名的程度,進而提升求助態度。;傾向使用攻擊型幽默的國中生,會透過減少其復原力,增加自我污名的程度,進而降低求助態度;傾向使用自我貶抑型幽默的國中生,會透過增加自我污名,進而降低求助態度。 根據上述研究結果,研究者將針對學校輔導工作與教育實務現場提出更具體的建議,並將相關討論整理於研究討論與建議的章節中。


This study intends to discuss the influence of humor style and help-seeking attitude among junior high school students, and test the sequential mediating effect of resilience and self-stigma between humor style and help-seeking attitude. The research method adopts the questionnaire survey method of quantitative research, taking junior high school students in the 110 Academic year as the research object, and intending to sample 7 junior high schools, a total of 36 classes, and a total of 721 junior high school students. The scales which used including Humor Style Questionnaire (HSQ-TC), Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Shortened Form (ATSSPH-SF), Inventory of Adolescent Resilience (IAR), and Self-Stigma of Seeking Help (SSOSH). Independent T-test, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression analysis are used for data analysis. The results and findings of this study are as follows: Affiliative humor and Aggressive humor in male students are significantly higher than that in female students in junior high schools. Attitudes toward seeking in female students are significantly higher than that in male students in junior high schools. Junior high school students who tend to use Self-enhancing humor have a more positive attitude towards help. The sequential mediating effect of resilience and self-stigma in humor style and help-seeking attitude. Junior high students who tend to use Affiliative humor will increase their resilience, reduce the level of self-stigma, and improve their attitude towards seeking help. Junior high students who tend to use Self-enhancing humor will increase their resilience, reduce the level of self-stigma, and improve their attitude towards seeking help. Junior high students who tend to use Aggressive humor will reduce their resilience, increase level of self-stigma, thereby reducing their attitude towards seeking help. Junior high students who tend to use Self-defeating humor will increase level of self-stigma, thereby reducing their attitude towards seeking help. According to results and findings, this study provided some suggestions for the practical aspects of school education and future studies.


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