  • 學位論文


A Study on the Supervision Model of Constructing the Theoretical Orientation of Personal Counseling

指導教授 : 田秀蘭


本研究旨在探討督導者在督導歷程協助受督者建構個人諮商理論取向之經驗,以及發展催化受督者建構個人諮商理論取向之督導模式。本研究採取建構主義紮根理論為研究方法,共邀請8位諮商督導者參與,進行半結構深度訪談,並依據建構主義紮根理論的資料分析步驟對8位督導者協助受督者建構個人諮商理論取向之督導經驗進行分析。本研究結果如下:督導者自身的專業養成會影響督導中協助受督者建構個人諮商理論取向的實踐,並對督導歷程進行反思,形成實踐與反思的循環。督導者在督導歷程協助受督者建構個人諮商理論取向之經驗分別為:(1)督導者個人專業之養成:包含理論取向之建構與督導模式之建構;(2)督導者協助受督者建構個人諮商理論取向之實踐:包含督導定向、督導內涵、督導關係與角色、督導核心策略與督導評量;(3)督導者對於督導歷程與建構個人諮商理論取向的反思:分為考量受督者的發展階段、理論取向差異與建構個人諮商理論方式之比較。 依據研究結果發展一個建構個人諮商理論取向的督導模式,命名為理論創生督導模式,其內涵包括:(1)督導者的養成:包含特質與態度、受督經驗與課程訓練;(2)督導的主要概念與精神:包含以受督者為中心兼顧個案的福祉、促進受督者反思到自我督導、以優勢觀點找尋受督者的獨特性、重視多元與包容差異;(3)督導焦點:包含受督者風格、理論取向應用、情緒覺察、接案困境與個案概念化;(4)督導核心策略:包含回饋策略、反思策略、理論應用策略、以身作則策略與輔助媒材策略;(5)督導精緻化策略:包含異中求同、各有所長與人劍合一;(6)理論定錨元素:是受督者定位自己理論取向的元素,整體可以用適配度(人與理論的適配)來表示,可分為興趣(情感上的喜歡)、價值觀(想法上的貼近)與能力(技能上的展現);(7)督導模式階段:受督者在督導關係中會經歷生根、萌芽、成長、開花結果四個階段,督導者則依循受督者的階段也分為播種、灌溉、耕耘、收成,提供相對應的督導任務。最後根據研究結果進行討論,並針對未來督導實務、研究、訓練提出建議。


The aim of this research is to explore how the supervisors assist their supervisees, in constructing and facilitating their personal counseling theoretical orientation through the supervision process experiences. The research method uses depth interview with eight supervisors participate in this research by the semi-structured interview questionnaire, and analyzed the data with the constructivist grounded theory. The results of this research as follows. Firstly, the professional development of the supervisors would influence the supervisees on constructing their personal counseling theoretical orientation and forming a cycle of practice and reflection during the supervision process. Secondly, the influencing factors includes the personal professional of the supervisors’ theoretical orientation and the construction of the supervision model, the practice of the orientation of supervision, the connotation of supervision, the relationship and role of supervision, the core strategies of supervision and the evaluation of supervision. Thirdly, the reflection on the process of supervision and the personal counseling orientation of the supervisors which divided into consideration the developmental stages of the supervisee, and the differences in theoretical orientation, and the way of constructing the theory of personal counseling. According to the results, the supervision model for constructing the theoretical orientation of personal counseling had developed in this research which named as the theory-generation supervision model (TGSM), and the seven-connotation meanings include following: (1) The development of characteristics and attitudes with supervisors which influenced on their supervised experience and curriculum training in the past; (2) The main concepts and spirit of supervision takes the point of view of supervisee-center and also gives consideration to the well-being of the clients, promotes the supervisee to reflect on self-supervision, seeks the supervisee’s uniqueness from the strength’s perspective, and emphasizes diversity and tolerance of differences; (3) Supervision focusing contains personality style of the supervisee, theoretical orientation application, emotional awareness, the difficulties during the counseling process, and the conceptualization with the clients; (4) Supervision core strategies includes the giving feedback, the reflection thoughts, the counseling application skills, the leading by example, and the accessible utilizing media strategy; (5) Supervision refinement strategies include seeking common from the differences, developing their own strengths and integrate personal traits and technology; (6) Theoretical anchoring factors means the theoretical orientation of the supervisees, which also means the goodness-of fit. It could be divided into the interest (emotional liking), values (closeness to ideas) and ability (display of the skills); (7) Supervision model stages involves the supervisee would experience the stage from rooting, budding, growing, flowering and to fruiting. At the same time, the supervisors also experience the stage from sowing, irrigating, cultivating, and harvest via they take the responsibility for the supervision tasks. Finally, this research suggests the practices, research and training of the counseling supervision for the future.


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