  • 學位論文


A Study on Intern Teachers’ self-efficacy and Professional Competencies Before and After Educational Practice

指導教授 : 陳佩英


本研究為瞭解現行教育實習制度對教師自我效能與專業素養的影響,以質性研究法中的經驗研究,透過訪談六位實習教師在實習前、後對於從事教師工作的自我效能,以及專業素養之變化情形。研究者以《中華民國教師專業標準指引》中的十個專業標準來定義為教師專業素養,並以教師能夠完成教學責任的信心,包含在課程設計與教學、班級經營與輔導、專業精進與服務、職業態度等四部分定義為教師自我效能。 為瞭解實習教師在實習前先備經驗及能力,本研究亦針對受訪者在師資職前教育課程之經驗進行探討。研究結果第一部份分析師資職前教育課程對教師自我效能與專業素養的影響,其中亦包含新的實習制度中,將教師資格考試提前至教育實習前舉行的效益;第二部份分析教育實習前後,受訪者在課程設計與教學、班級經營與輔導、專業精進與服務、專業態度四個方面的自我效能變化情形;第三部份從專業知能、專業實踐、專業投入三個面向來檢視實習前後受訪者的專業素養變化情形;最後,則說明我國因受嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(Covid-19)疫情影響,轉變為遠距教學模式的實習方式,對實習教師專業能力帶來的衝擊與影響。以下為本研究之主要發現: 一、 師資培育職前課程有助提升實習教師自我效能感及專業素養 二、 教師資格考試提前於實習前舉行有助提升實習教師自我效能感及專業素養 三、 教育實習有助提升實習教師自我效能感 四、 教育實習有助提升實習教師專業素養 五、 遠距教學模式下所需的專業實踐素養能力需重新建構 本研究根據以上研究發現,研究者分別對師資培育政策及教育實習制度提出相關建議。


To understand the influence of the latest policy of educational practices on teachers' self-efficacy and professional competencies, the researcher chose one of the qualitative research methods, empirical research, to gather information from six respondents, at-tempting to compare the differences in teachers' self-efficacy and professional competencies before and after educational practices. The researcher defined teachers’ professional competencies based on the ten professional standards for teachers from “Guide-lines for Teacher Professional Standards of the Republic of China”. Teachers' self-efficacy is defined in terms of the confidence in fulfilling teaching responsibilities, such as curriculum design, classroom management and counseling, professional development and service, and professional attitudes. To know about student teachers’ prerequisite capacities and experience, this paper also studies their gains from pre-service education courses. In the first part, the research-er related teachers' pre-service education courses to teachers' self-efficacy and professional competencies. This part also included benefit-cost analysis of reversing the sequence of teacher certification exam and educational practice. The second part deliberated the change in self-efficacy, in terms of the change in curriculum design, classroom management and counseling, professional learning and service, and professional attitudes, before and after educational practices. In the third part, the researcher illustrated the change in teachers’ professional competencies, that is to say, the change in professional knowledge, professional practice, and professional commitment. In the last part, the researcher illustrated the influence on teachers' self-efficacy and professional competencies during distance learning caused by COVID-19 pandemic. The key research findings are as below: 1. Teachers' pre-service education courses can improve teachers' self-efficacy and teachers’ professional competencies. 2. Teacher certification exam held before educational practice can improve teachers' self-efficacy and professional competencies. 3. Educational practice can improve teachers' self-efficacy. 4. Educational practice can improve teachers' professional competencies. 5. Teachers' professional competencies should be reframing in the circumstances of distance learning. The researcher further makes some suggestions on Teacher Education policy and educational practice system based on these findings.


