  • 學位論文


The study on Thai students in Taiwan on their current situation of learning Chinese language and their adaptations into the Taiwanese culture—Taking Thai monks and volunteers of the Dhammakaya Association of Taiwan as case study

指導教授 : 楊秉煌


到另一個國家必需面對許多挑戰。這些來臺灣的泰國公民,他們就不得不面對語言、文化、飲食習慣和氣候方面的差異。在不同的國家生活不可避免地會遇到困難,有些人覺得變化太大了,因為他們沒有想到生活中會有這麼多不同方面的挑戰。 筆者為泰國法身寺的僧侶,來臺留學已9年。在此期間,接觸到很多僧侶及志工,因此對他們學習華語的情況感興趣,想進一步了解他們的學習經歷。臺灣與泰國的文化、飲食習慣、氣候截然不同,法身寺僧侶及志工是否有遇到困難以及如何克服,本研究主要是針對臺灣法身寺禪修協會3個分院的僧侶及志工,了解其學習華語的動機、經歷及問題。 本研究採用半結構式訪談,訪談對象為3個分院的僧侶及志工,共16位,除了了解其學習的經歷及現況外,也希望藉由此研究,可以讓後續想來臺灣留學的僧侶或志工,可以先做好心理準備,提前準備所需的東西。在泰國會辦華語課程給僧侶及志工,都是以簡體字以及北京語言中心所編排的教材來上課,所以大部分聽說不會有太大的問題,但讀寫的問題就比較大了。 環境和文化對學習語言的影響很大,本研究結果顯示家中有華僑的受訪者,在學習上比其他受訪者厲害許多,因為時常接觸華語以及華人文化,所以知道的詞彙比其他受訪者多,來學習時吸收較快。另外受訪者在生活上面對的問題,大多是氣候及飲食,因泰國不常下雨,因此街不會有帶傘出門的習慣,但臺灣四面環海,濕氣較重,如果不養成帶傘的習慣,會照成自身的不便,泰國大多是重口味,因此臺灣清淡的菜餚,讓他們吃不習慣,需要時間來調適。 除了了解他們的學習經歷,這項研究還希望有益於未來的來者,特別是僧侶和志工,他們來臺灣時將面臨類似的挑戰,讓他們在身心上做好準備。


There are many challenges one has to face moving to a different country. Looking at Thai citizens moving to Taiwan alone, they have to face differences in languages, cultures, eating habits and climates. Inevitably that there will be difficulties that come with the being in a different country, some find the change too overwhelming as they did not expect the challenges to come from so many different aspects in life. The research looks into these particular challenges among the researcher’s closest encounters being a monk from the Dhammakaya Temple in Thailand who has come to know various monks, volunteers and attendees across the three branches of the Temple established in Taiwan. The researcher looks into the various Chinese learning circumstances and experiences that this particular group of Thais have to face in order to find a balance between the difference that Taiwan is compared to Thailand, and in turn how they approach and overcome such challenges. The research uses semi-structured interviews with interviewees from the three branches in total of 16. There are Chinese courses available for monks and volunteers in the Dhammakaya Temple in Thailand where materials and textbooks are written in simplified characters and are from the Beijing Languages Center. Therefore, when the interviewees come to Taiwan where the Chinese language is written in traditional characters, most find that the most difficult aspect to learning Mandarin is not listening but writing and reading. Environmental and cultural aspects also have a great influence on the language learning. The results of this study show that those who have native Chinese speakers at home learn much quicker and more effectively because they are constantly exposed to the Chinese language and culture. Therefore, they observe more vocabulary, and also at a faster rate. In addition, in everyday life most of them face climate and eating problems. In Thailand there is raining season and everyone does not have to prepare for unexpected rain when it is not the season, whereas Taiwan is surrounded by the sea which contributes to its heavy humidity and frequent rainfalls. In regards to dietary differences, a lot of it is in the taste. Thai cuisine has very strong tastes whereas Taiwanese cuisine is much more subtle. Apart from gaining an understanding into their learning experiences, the research aims to also provide insights that will benefit future comers, in particular, monks and volunteers who will face similar challenges when they make the move to Taiwan so they can be physically and mentally prepared in advance.


