  • 學位論文


The Effects of Social-Emotional Learning Program for Preschool Children on Prosocial Behaviours and Problem Behaviours

指導教授 : 陳學志


本研究旨在探討「社會情緒學習課程融入幼兒教育」對幼兒親社會行為提升與問題行為降低之效果。研究對象為臺北市某幼兒園兩個混齡班級的學生(平均年齡5歲),共計60人。實驗設計採用「不等組前後測準實驗設計」,分為實驗組:「接受社會情緒學習課程」與對照組:「未接受社:會情緒學習課程」,每組30人。研究工具包含了「長處和困難問卷量表(T-SDQ)」、「行為評量系統量表(BASC-3)」等量化工具,以單因子共變數分析(one-way ANCOVA)檢驗研究假設;並再根據實驗組之評量教師於「行為評量系統量表(BASC-3)」的幼兒整體評論,做質性資料分析。研究結果發現,接受「社會情緒學習課程」的實驗組幼兒親社會行為上升,問題行為下降。在質性評論中,實驗組之評量教師認同本教學課程有意義且有助於提升學生行為表現。最後根據本研究結果提出討論和具體建議,以做為後續社會情緒學習課程融入幼兒教育及未來研究的參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of social-emotional learning program on prosocial behaviours and problem behaviours in preschool. The study was conducted with sixty students in a preschool in Taipei. Half of the students in the experimental group and the other half were in the control group. A quasi-experimental approach was used to assess the treatment effects in the nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Two quantitative instruments were Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, and Behavior Assessment System for Children. Repeated measures ANCOVA were performed to analyze the correlation coefficients between the groups. The qualitative data such as overall reviews of Behavior Assessment System for Children for the experimental group were also collected to aid the analysis of the experimental effect. The results indicated that the experimental group was better than the control group in prosocial behaviours and problem behaviours after the intervention. Based on the finding, some suggestions were provided for those who are interested in early childhood education incorporating social-emotional learning program and that future researches related to social-emotional learning.


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