  • 學位論文


Human Rights Education As Issues Integrating into Teaching for Social Studies of Junior High School in Taiwan ─A Thematic Course Example

指導教授 : 林佳範


本研究以實施「人權教育議題融入課程」是否能提升學生在人權教育上的學習成效為問題意識,探究「人權讚起來」主題式課程結合於國中社會領域教學帶給學生在人權認知、態度、行動方面之改變,研究者與領域內教師共同研發設計「人權讚起來」主題式課程,一共六節課,研究場域為多元國中,研究參與者共五十六位國中八年級學生,並針對其中六位學生進行訪談。本研究採行動研究,資料蒐集方法來自研究者的教學日誌、協同教師的觀察紀錄以及研究參與者的明信片作品、人權手冊、回饋單和訪談等質性資料。由相關資料分析獲致以下結論: 壹、課程設計層面 一、「人權讚起來」主題式課程融入《十二年國教總綱》核心素養與《議題手冊》人權教育議題實質內涵,發展出適合國中八年級學生的人權教育方案。 二、「人權讚起來」主題式課程連結《十二年國教社會領綱》之學習內容,達到「課程能加深、加廣學生學習人權相關概念」之目標。 三、人權教育方案在課程設計與案例挑選上應循序漸進,先介紹符合八年級學生生活經驗的國內案例,再延伸至國外真實案例,能促進學生的學習遷移。 貳、教學成效層面 一、以主題式課程為主軸的人權教育,有助於增進學生對「人權知識概念」之累積。 二、以主題式課程為主軸的人權教育能有時間容納案例教學 ,有助於培養學生「重視人權關懷、尊重人性尊嚴」之思維。 三、以主題式課程為主軸的人權教育比較能有餘裕去設計行動面的課程,有助於激發學生對「人權行動實踐」之意願。 參、教師的教學專業成長 一、瞭解國中階段學生接受人權教育課程的可能性。 二、體悟學生在人權教育課程中的主體性地位。 研究者依據研究結果,提出建議供未來研究者與教師在進行人權教育教學時之參考,同時在研究歷程中進行研究者個人省思。


This research focuses on whether the implementation of the "Human Rights Education As Issues Integrating into Curricula modle" can improve students' learning effectiveness for human rights education. Exploring the changes in human rights awareness, attitudes and actions brought about by the combination of the thematic course curriculum named "Praise for Human Rights" integrated into the teaching of social study of junior high school in Taiwan. The teachers of social study at the field school jointly developed and designed the thematic course curriculum. There are six lessons in total. This study adopts an “action research” approach, and collecting the datas from various sources such as teaching journals, observation records of the collaborative teachers, and the homework of postcards, human rights handbook, feedback sheets and interviews of the participant students. The following conclusions were drawn from the analysis of relevant data: 1. In terms of curriculum design (a) The thematic course curriculum of "Praise for Human Rights" integrates the core competencies of the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education and the substantive connotation of human rights education topics in the Issue Handbook and develops a human rights education plan suitable for eighth grade students in junior high school. (b) The thematic course curriculum of "Praise for Human Rights" connects the learning content of the Outline of Social Studies in junior high school to achieve the goal of "the curriculum can deepen and broaden students' learning of human rights-related concepts" (c)The curriculum design and case selection of human rights education programs should be carried out step by step. First, domestic cases that conform to the eighth-grade students’ life experience should be introduced, and then extended to foreign real cases, which can facilitate students’ learning transfer. 2. In terms of teaching effectiveness (a) Human rights education with thematic courses as the main topic helps to enhance students' accumulation of "human rights knowledge concept" (b) Human rights education with thematic courses as the main topic can manage time to accommodate case teaching, which helps to cultivate students' thinking of "paying attention to human rights care and respecting human dignity" (c) Human rights education with thematic courses as the main topic has more space to design action-oriented courses, which will help stimulate students' willingness to "practice human rights action" 3. In terms of teacher's professional growth (a) Understaning the possibility of junior high school students accepting human rights education courses. (b) Realizing the subject status of students in the human rights education curriculum. Based on the research results, the researchers put forward suggestions for future researchers and teachers to refer to in human rights education and teaching, and at the same time conduct personal reflections on the researcher during the research process.


余伯泉、蕭阿勤(譯)(1998)。Graham Pike、David Selby原著。人權教育活動手冊。臺北市:遠流。
