  • 學位論文


Technical research and innovative production of traditional craft「Chunzihua」

指導教授 : 蘇文清


「春仔花」是台灣早期一項民間傳統工藝,匯集著無數女紅巧手化藝,代表著美學及文化的傳承。然而生活型態的轉變加上生命禮俗去繁從簡的影響之下,導致此項工藝的文化價值與手作獨特性,在現代社會裡漸漸式微。現今許多春仔花作品,都是後人依傳承所製作的復刻樣式,使大眾認為其用途只限定於髮飾或是禮俗工藝用品,不容易應用於生活中,所以無從了解其工藝文化精神。傳統工藝最好的復甦及保存方式,便是回到民眾的生活使用之中。本研究透過文獻分析及田野調查、深度訪談等方法,由設計的角度出發,進行春仔花技藝創新發展與思考,突破傳統春仔花裝飾性層面,轉變成具有實用功能性的當代產品,讓它重新融入現代生活型態。藉由此次研究成果,設計出天空蘭、小蘭生、虎尾蘭、鹿角蕨、多肉植物與龜背芋等六個仿生植栽系列,達到對傳統工藝的新詮釋,藉此展現其文化美學價值,以延續傳統春仔花工藝命脈。 本研究以傳統春仔花技藝作為創作基底,保留春仔花手工製作之獨特性,因為手工技術作業是賦予春仔花質感與工藝價值之重要成因。加入現代觀念和替換新式素材並改善傳統春仔花生鏽、造型使用不易等問題;增加其抗潮、防水特性與提升耐用度,不必擔心結構鬆脫損壞。透過設計轉化,將春仔花結合植物意象並仿照真實植物的養護方式,以香氛代水,並且可以在春仔花成品上直接滴香,使其散發味道。將春仔花技藝應用於現代生活器物設計並結合具擴香功能之基座與複合媒材,創建出有別於一般坊間販售或其他工藝師所製作之春仔花作品。讓傳統春仔花不再侷限於裝飾性層面,更擴大其應用範圍,產生視覺、觸覺、嗅覺等共感覺,讓民眾藉由與物件互動之間達到身心舒緩放鬆,強化傳統工藝生活化之發展。使春仔花有別於傳統用法,展現出現代新的風貌。


春仔花 創新 工藝生活化


This study examines the creation and research of the innovative development of the traditional technique of spring flowers. "Chunzaihua is a traditional folk craft in early Taiwan, which is a collection of countless handicrafts of women, representing aesthetics and cultural heritage. However, changes in lifestyle and the simplification of life rituals have led to the loss of the cultural value and uniqueness of the craft in modern society. Many of today's Chunzaihua artworks are new replicas made by descendants according to tradition, which often leads the public to believe that the use of Chunzaihua is limited to wedding hair ornaments or framing crafts, and is not easily applied in daily life, and they are unable to understand the cultural spirit of the craft. The best way to revive and preserve traditional crafts is to return them to the people's daily life. The purpose of this research is to develop a common sense and consideration of the application of the Chunzai flower technique through the perspective of design, to break through the decorative aspect of the traditional Chunzai flower and transform it into a practical and functional contemporary product, so that it can be integrated into today's life style. This study uses the traditional spring flower technique as the basis for creation, observes the real plant form, simplifies its imagery, and preserves the spirit of handmade spring flower technique, because the technical work by hand is an important factor in giving the spring flower its warmth and simplicity, replaces the new material and improves the problem of rusting and whitening of the traditional spring flower, increases its moisture resistance and long-term preservation without worrying about damaging the structure, and creates a product that is different from The design is different from that of other craftsmen's work. Through design transformation, we can combine spring flowers with potted pedestals or composite media with fragrance diffusion function, and use fragrance instead of water, just like the way real plants are maintained, so that the fragrance can be directly dropped on the finished spring flowers to make them scented. The traditional spring flowers are no longer limited to the decorative level, but expand their applications to produce visual, tactile, and olfactory sensations, allowing users to relax and rejuvenate their bodies and minds, and strengthening the development of the traditional craft of living and people-friendly. We will create a cross-disciplinary innovation in the post-epidemic era, and find a new face for traditional spring flowers.


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