  • 學位論文


Construction and Application of Tamsui Local Knowledge: A Case Study of Tamsui Historical Museum

指導教授 : 廖仁義


隨著全球化及網路的影響,傳統上以地方為基礎的空間感逐漸消失,全球化影響跨國間的交流變得頻繁,世界各地的文化更加普同,文化差異的隔閡日漸縮小,在地知識的建構及形塑成為地方認同的重要途徑,而地方博物館的建置亦被視為一種抵抗全球化及民眾建構認同的重要場域。另一方面,過去博物館以博物館員為知識生產的權威,隨著後博物館時代的來臨,博物館的知識生產更加重視公眾參與的實踐。 臺灣的社會從1980年代以來逐漸受到工業化影響,社會結構產生了轉變,加上1980年全球化趨勢,加速了城鄉的差距及家庭結構瓦解,1990年「全球在地化」更使得政府開始愈加重視在地特色發展的議題。政府也開始愈加重視在地特色發展的議題。「全球化」指的是將一個地區在語言文化、思想觀念、制度系統或經貿活動等各層面,橋接進入世界體系之中;而「在地化」則是將國際化後的資源,放置於在地環境中,加以轉變、註解詮釋、融合交會等,賦予其本土特質。 行政院文化建設委員會(現文化部)於1994年提出「社區總體營造計畫」,臺灣各地的社區論述及社區意識在政策的支持下逐漸展開。2017年行政院核定「前瞻基礎建設計畫」,其中城鄉建設中包含強化地方共同文化生活的建構,從文化保存、地方文化特色活動、地方館舍升級等面向,使地方博物館成為傳播在地知識、歷史記憶的文化設施。新北市立淡水古蹟博物館作為在地知識載體,在國內社造、閒置空間再利用、地方文化館計畫的發展脈絡下,加上前瞻計畫推動,促成淡水的在地知識由下而上、公民參與式的公共治理模式。 淡水自古以來便是歷史重鎮,並且經歷了不同的統治者,每個時期皆留下了可觀的文化資產,造就淡水成為新北市29個行政區有形文化資產數量最多的一處。而自捷運開通以來,淡水更是成為觀光勝地,隨著全球化所伴隨著時空壓縮與移動性的議題,淡水的觀光產業與文化產業產生了特殊的競逐關係。新北市立淡水古蹟博物館的成立,雖然創館之初秉持著「文化事務派出所」及生活博物館的精神出發,欲為在地文化的需求提供更即時的服務,然而隨著升格後以觀光人潮做為經營指標的壓力,作為一所地方的博物館,如何扮演多重角色,建構、再現及應用在地知識,是本文欲探討的課題。 本文將從博物館作為一所知識生產的運作機構及臺灣文化政策在地的轉型為背景,檢視淡水古蹟博物館成立之初的背景與精神,透過參與觀察法、訪談法等質性研究,探討該館至今建構在地知識及應用情形。


Due to the impact of globalization and the internet, the sense of space rooted from regions has disappeared gradually. Globalization makes more cross-border interactions and cultural assimilation which declines the cultural diversity. Therefore, the construction and the shaping of local knowledge become an essential approach to place identification. The establishment of local museums is also considered as an necessary public sphere to resist globalization and define identity. In the past, museum staff are regarded as the authority of knowledge production. However, with the development of concept of “post-museum”, the process of knowledge production concerns more about civic participation and practice. Taiwanese society has been affected by industrialization since 1980s which makes the transformation of social structure. Additionally, the globalization since 1980s accelerates the growth of urban-rural divide and disintegration of family structure. The concept of glocalization since 1990s also makes the government focus on the development of localization. The term, globalization, refers to languages, cultures, thoughts, concepts, systems, laws and business activities etc. of certain places bridging to the world systems. On the other hand, the term, localization, refers to those globalized resources placed into local environments being transformed, defined, interpreted, and merged are endowed with specific features. Council for Cultural Affairs, Executive Yuan (currently known as Ministry of Culture) submitted the policy proposal “Community Empowerment Program” in 1994 which supports the development of community discourse and consciousness. “Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program: Urban-rural development” approved by Executive Yuan in 2017 includes the enhancement of common cultural life establishment of each place which enables local museums to spread local knowledge and historical memories from the perspectives of culture preservation, culture features of each place, and upgrade of culture facilities. Tamsui Historical Museum, the carrier of Tamsui local knowledge, based on the development context of community empowerment, adaptive reusing of unused spaces, the project of local cultural museum, and the promote of “Forward-looking Infrastructure Development Program” facilitates the local knowledge as public-governance, bottom-up and civic-engagement model. Tamsui has been a historic town with different governors. There are numerous cultural heritages left from each period, which makes Tamsui as the district of New Taipei City with the most cultural heritages. Since the opening of Taipei Metro, Tamsui becomes as a tourist attraction. With the impact of globalization comes the issues of time-space compression and mobility. There is such particular rivalry between tourism industry and cultural industry in the place. Initially, Tamsui Historical Museum was planned to play the role of “cultural affairs kōban” and life museum, providing more prompt culture-related service. However, due to the stress from the indicator of the number of visitors, as a local museum, the study expects to find how the museum plays multiple roles to construct, represent and apply local knowledge. The study starts from the inspection of the history of museums as a facility to produce and operate knowledge to the transformation of the cultural policies in Taiwan. Based on the methods of literature reviews, interview and participant observation, the study concludes with how the museum constructs and applies the local knowledge.


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