  • 學位論文


The Imperial Clan Academies of Qing Dynasty

指導教授 : 葉高樹


中國歷朝重視宗室教育,不少朝代為宗室設有專門學校。清朝於順治九年設立宗人府,繼而仿照明朝制度設立宗學,又依據宗室封爵與否及其爵秩,訂定不同的就學方式。惟於順治十一年以後,此學不見於史料記載;至康熙朝,宗室又改在王府教育,因而成為前人研究中的疑問。本文透過重新爬梳相關史料,並比較國子監八旗官學學制和康熙皇帝自身學習與教育皇子的經驗,說明順、康兩朝宗室教育政策針對的主要對象始終是王公宗室;且此時處於入關以後既仿照前朝設立各項制度,又依據自身需求頻繁調整的階段,有時亦將王府中設立的書院稱作宗學,而與後世普遍認知,作為八旗官學之一的宗學在概念上並不相同。 迨至雍正初年,鑒於宗室人口繁衍,並為遏止康熙朝晚期以來因儲位之爭而有宗室相互結黨的風氣,雍正皇帝再次下令設立宗學。此次復設的宗學,借鑒順治、康熙朝以來宗室教育與八旗官學發展的經驗,成為一所提供宗室子弟普遍就學機會,並以清書、漢書、騎射為教學內容,而以總管王公、總管、副管、教習、稽察負責教導和監督事務的學校。此一制度隨後擴展至遠支宗室─覺羅─以及盛京地區,相繼成立覺羅學、盛京宗學覺羅學,以及宗室營官學。這些學校俱屬八旗官學體系,並依據各自需求,於發展過程中相互參採、調整各學制度內容。 然而,清朝宗學的發展,並未符合雍正皇帝以明朝宗室為鑑,避免本朝宗室日流日下的設學期望,而與八旗官學在清朝中期以後共同面臨「廢弛」的問題。此一現象從出現到光緒二十八年正式將傳統八旗官學撤廢為止,歷經將近一百年的時間,期間管學官員陸續提出各種意見與整頓辦法,顯示朝廷對宗室與旗人教育的關心。本文藉由檢討宗學中各類人員編制與選用、升遷,以及經費、學生出路等制度的內容,利用檔案資料分析制度變遷的背景、原因以及實際的運作情形,說明清朝宗學制度的發展,是在長時間中,各層面問題相互影響,理想與現實之間彼此拉扯下所形成的結果。


宗室 覺羅 宗人府 宗學 覺羅學


China has attached importance to imperial clan (宗室zongshi) education over the course of its history. Schools specialized for imperial clans have been established in many of the Chinese dynasties. In 1653, the 10th year of Shun-chih period of Qing dynasty, imperial clan academies (宗學zongxue) imitating the academic system of Ming dynasty were established. Different means of studying were designated to zongshi (generally referred to the descendants of Emperor Taksi in Qing dynasty) according to whether they were awarded a title and corresponding rank. However, no further accounts were found in the historical materials after 1654. In the K’ang-hsi period, the members of zongshi were designated to receive education in the residence of the prince, which constituted an unanswered question in the existing literature. In this study, relevant historical materials were reorganized, revealing that the imperial clan education policies promulgated by Emperors Shun-chih and K’ang-hsi were always aimed at zongshi wang gong (宗室王公the zongshi who were awarded a ranking title). After entering China, Qing dynasty established various systems imitating the ones of Ming dynasty but adjusted them frequently according to its own needs. Occasionally, the academies in the residence of the prince were referred to as the imperial clan academies, but it differed conceptually from The Imperial Clan Academies, which was established by Emperor Yung-cheng , and was widely known as a part of the system of banner schools to later generations. In the second year of his rule, Emperor Yung-cheng ordered the reestablishment of imperial clan academies in response to the growth in the clan population and to curb the tendency of clan members to form groups to battle for the throne since the late K’ang-hsi period. The academies were reestablished according to the history of clan education and banner school development since the Shun-chih and K’ang-hsi periods, serving as a school that provided zongshi with opportunities to receive general education. The academies taught Manchu and Chinese languages as well as archery from horseback and on foot, and the responsibility for teaching and supervising affairs in the academies fell upon the princes in charge of clan academies, general managers, deputy general managers, teachers, and inspectors. This system was later expanded to gioro (覺羅), the collateral descendants of Emperor Taksi, and “Schools for Gioro (覺羅學Jueloxue)” were established. Subsequently, the system was introduced to Shengjing area, where the “The Shengjing Zongxue-Jueloxue (盛京宗學覺羅學) ” and “The Zongshi Camp Academy (宗室營學)” were established. These schools were affiliated with the banner schools and mutually participated in and adjusted their academic systems according to their own needs in development. However, imperial clan academies of Qing dynasty did not meet Yung-cheng’s expectation in preventing the deterioration of the Qing imperial clan in light of the lessons from the late Ming imperial clan. After the middle Qing dynasty period, both the clan education and the banner school system were faced with the problem of poor operations. This crisis persisted until the 28th year of Kuang-hsu period, when the banner schools were abolished. In this period lasting for nearly 100 years, courtiers in charge of bannerman education proposed opinions and suggestions for reforming the clan education, demonstrating the Qing administration’s high attention to its imperial clan and bannerman education. This study examined various personnel establishment, selection, promotion, funding, and student career paths in the imperial clan education. Archives were used to analyze the backgrounds, reasons, and actual actions taken for institutional changes. The results revealed that the imperial clan education in Qing dynasty was shaped by the mutual influence between problems at all levels and the conflict between ideals and reality over a long period of time.


