  • 學位論文


The beer history of Taiwan

指導教授 : 康培德


啤酒是世界上歷史最悠久、最普遍的飲料,和水、茶並列為三大飲料。對成人來說,喝啤酒是一段歡樂時光。啤酒有5000年以上的歷史,其誕生眾說紛紜。有的研究者說啤酒在紀元前8000年~4000年誕生,在歐洲很早就開始製造及飲用啤酒。但是日本與台灣的啤酒歷史並不長,日本人開始接觸啤酒的時間是1810年;1860年代、清帝國統治下的台灣開港通商,啤酒也跟著傳入。等到日治時期,台灣人才稱得上認識啤酒。1919年啤酒廠誕生,台灣啤酒產業開始發展。 1933年臺灣總督府開始啤酒專賣;戰後,國民政府設立台灣菸酒公賣局,以公賣制度繼續酒類的專賣。1987年,政府開放歐美和日本啤酒的進口,許可酒類有線和無線電視及廣播的廣告。最後在2002年,臺灣開放民間釀酒,啤酒市場正式自由化。 本研究以台灣啤酒的歷史為主,並以圖文書的方式呈現。圖文書分為五個篇章,第一篇介紹啤酒的定義,第二篇到第三篇是日治時期台灣的啤酒發展,第四篇是戰後公賣制度下啤酒的情勢及影響,第五篇是當代台灣啤酒的多元化。 台灣的啤酒發展歷史很短,但還是約有150年的歷史。現今發展出水果啤酒、茶啤酒等具有特色的啤酒。由於專賣、公賣制度,台灣啤酒發展的歷史和其他國家有點不同。這150年的期間中,台灣啤酒怎麼發展?受到環境、社會變化的何種影響?透過本圖文書,更加瞭解台灣的啤酒發展的過程,同時也展現台灣啤酒歷史的軌跡。


日治時期 專賣 公賣 麥酒 啤酒 飲酒文化


Beer is the world's oldest and most widespread drink and is said to be one of the three major beverages along with water and tea. We adults enjoy drinking beer. Beer has a history of more than 5,000 years. Various theories exist about its birth. Some researchers believe that beer was born between 8000 and 4000 BC. It is said to have been brewed and consumed very early in Europe. However, the history of beer in Japan and Taiwan is relatively short. Japanese people first encountered beer in 1810 and were introduced to Taiwan in the 1860s when the ports were opened under the Qing dynasty's rule. It wasn't until the Japanese rule that many Taiwanese came to know about beer, leading to Taiwan's first beer factory in 1919 eventually helping the growth of Taiwan’s beer industry. In 1933, the Governor-General of Taiwan started a monopoly on beer. After the war, the government of the Republic of China established the Public Sales Bureau for Tobacco and Alcohol to continue its monopoly on alcoholic beverages. In 1987, Taiwan began importing beer from Europe, the United States, and Japan and later lifted the ban on advertising beer on television. Then, in 2002, Taiwan allowed private brewing, officially liberalizing the beer market. This research focuses on the history of beer in Taiwan and is presented in a book format containing five chapters: Chapter 1 introduces the definition of beer, Chapters 2 and 3 explain the development of the beer industry in Taiwan during the Japanese rule, Chapter 4 discusses beer industry under the public auctions system post-war. Finally, Chapter 5 describes the diversification of modern Taiwan's beer industry. Taiwan's beer history is short, but still has a history of over 150 years. Nowadays, varieties of beer exist such characteristics include fruit flavors. Due to government monopoly and public auction system, the history of Taiwan's beer development differs from other countries. How has Taiwanese beer evolved over those 150 years? What kind of environmental and social influences have they had? I would be happy if you could deepen your knowledge/understanding of the history of Taiwanese beer.


