  • 學位論文


A Study of Huaisu's Autobiography Focusing on Self-Writing

指導教授 : 黃明理


在中國書法史上,懷素及其〈自敘帖〉,自唐朝中葉起便為書法愛好者所討論,〈自敘帖〉為懷素自述學書經歷和摘錄各方名流對其人其書法讚揚的詩句。〈自敘帖〉以狂草書就,線條細而充滿勁道,面目狂放縱逸,草勢連綿不絕,仍有法有度,深具個人風格及藝術性,是中國文化藝術史上的瑰寶。 本論文以「懷素〈自敘帖〉研究—以自我書寫為觀察核心」為題,以「自我書寫」為切入視角重新審視這部書法經典之作。結合文學與藝術分析,觀〈自敘帖〉的文意內容及表現形式,並梳理後世對懷素和〈自敘帖〉的評價及版本流傳,著重討論懷素自敘所使用的「文」與「書」雙重媒介。本文首先爬梳自我書寫歷史,以凸顯〈自敘帖〉在歷來自我書寫作品中特殊的寫作手法與形式,而〈自敘帖〉又以狂草寫成,其釋文各版本略有異見,故辨析隸定草字,並分析文本內容與書法視覺呈現,最後梳理歷代各版本的〈自敘帖〉以及對懷素的評論,指出〈自敘帖〉為懷素所造成的宣傳效果,以呈現〈自敘帖〉在自敘歷史上的獨特價值。


懷素 自敘帖 自序 自我書寫


Autobiography is Huaisu's calligraphy masterpiece. The content of Autobiography is Huaisu's description of his experience in learning calligraphy, and records of verses from several famous people complimenting his character and calligraphy. This work is written in wild cursive, the lines are thin and full of strength, the face is wild and indulgent, and the spirit of cursive writing is continuous but still retains the law. With profound personal style and artistry, his calligraphy and articles are treasures in the history of Chinese culture and art. In the history of Chinese calligraphy, Huaisu and his Autobiography have been discussed by calligraphy enthusiasts since the middle of the Tang Dynasty. Future generations are fortunate to have a glimpse of Huaisu's wild and unrestrained character, diligent learning spirit and outstanding calligraphy achievements through the Autobiography. This dissertation hopes to re-understand the textual content and expression form of Autobiography, a classic calligraphy work of self-writing, through the experience of self-writing and the combination of literary and artistic analysis techniques. In addition, this dissertation organizes later evaluations of Huaisu and Autobiography, analyzes the differences between various versions, and discusses the unique value of Autobiography in the history of autobiography. The first part of this thesis starts from the perspective of self-writing, and analyzes Huaisu's self-narrated articles and calligraphy, as well as the influence of Autobiography on history. The second part reviews the history of self-writing and summarizes the results of past research on autobiography. Finally, this dissertation analyzes the cursive Liding in the Autobiography, and the visual presentation of calligraphy, and organizes the historical comments on Huaisu, so as to fully present the unique value of Autobiography.




一、 古籍(依年代先後排列)
