  • 學位論文


A Study on Marketing Strategies for Electronic Resources in Libraries of Universities of Technology in Taiwan

指導教授 : 柯皓仁


本研究以電子資源行銷理論為基礎,對臺灣地區科技大學圖書館電子資源行銷策略及實務作法進行調查,研究問題包含:(一) 瞭解科技大學圖書館電子資源行銷策略與實施步驟為何?(二)執行時遇到的困難為何?(三) 精進的策略及作法為何? 本研究採用質性研究的深度訪談法,深度訪談任職地區涵蓋臺灣的北、中、南地區之科技大學圖書館員,職務為規劃推廣電子資源行銷活動相關業務之人員,共計11位。主要研究結果如下:(一) 科技大學圖書館在推廣活動的推行,多以教育訓練方式進行;(二)經SWOT分析結果,雖外部資源獲取不易,圖書館優勢多為專業人員仍願付出心力推動行銷業務;(三)行銷目標規劃上,除了最基本的提昇電子資源利用率外,還帶入資訊素養、資訊倫理等議題;(四)行銷方式偏好電子型式,廣泛地運用社群網路平台宣傳;(五)執行時遭遇最大的困難是未能了解活動是否符合需求;(六)精進的策略及作法部份,經費上可尋求廠商或聯盟等外部單位的協助,舉辦的內容可多探討學術倫理、資訊素養等議題使課程更生動。 最後,本研究提出幾點建議:(一)建議行銷活動進行前可先制定行銷計畫;(二) 尋求外部資源,善用聯盟福利;(三) 社群網路平台行銷應有專人多加經營;(四) 加強館員的繼續教育。


This study investigates the marketing strategies and practices of electronic resources in the libraries of Universities of Technolgy in Taiwan based on theories of electronic resources marketing. The research questions include: (1) What are the marketing strategies and implementation of electronic resources in the libraries of Universities of Technologyin Taiwan? (2) What are the difficulties encountered in implementation? (3) What are the future directions to enhance the marketing strategies and implementation of electronic resources? This study used qualitative research method to conduct in-depth interviews with a total of 11 librarians working in the libraries of Universities of Technology in the northern, central, and southern regions of Taiwan and whose primary tasks are planning and promoting electronic resource marketing activities. The primary results of the study are as follows: (a) the libraries of Universities of Technology are mostly engaged in educational training in the implementation of promotional activities; (b) the SWOT analysis shows that although it is not easy to obtain external resources, the libraries have the advantage of professional staff who are still willing to devote their efforts to promote electronic resources; (c) the marketing objectives are to increase the usage rate of electronic resources; additional objectives are to bring in issues such as information literacy and information ethics; (d) librarians prefers to use electronic tools as the primary marketing method, such as social media platforms; (e)the biggest difficulty in implementation is the lack of understanding of whether the activities meet the needs; (f) to improve the strategies and practices, funding can be sought from external parties such as vendors or consortia; the content of the courses can explore issues such as academic ethics and information literacy。 The study concluded with several recommendations: (1) a marketing plan should be developed before the marketing campaign; (2) external resources should be sought and consortia benefits should be utilized; (3) the social media platform marketing should be operated by dedicated staff; and (4) continuing education for the librarians should be enhanced.


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