  • 學位論文

以延伸整合型科技接受模式和數位生活型態探討運動場館APP 的使用意向

A Study On The User Intention of Sports Venues APPs Based On the UTAUT2 and Digital Lifestyle Scale

指導教授 : 王國欽


隨著臺灣運動風氣漸盛,民眾對於運動休閒的重視度提升,且對於運動的硬體設施需求大增,進而使運動場館市場在近年內持續發展。運動場館的興起、以及資訊科技與智慧行動裝置發展趨於成熟的背景下,業者推出運動場館APP,希望提供便民服務並拉近場館與消費者間的距離。本研究旨在探討運動場館消費者使用運動場館APP之意願,透過延伸整合型科技接受模式 (UTAUT2) 以及數位生活型態建構問卷量表。本研究以問卷調查法,調查曾使用「World Gym」、「我的健身工廠」、「智慧運動中心」、「17 fit」等運動場館應用程式者。透過便利抽樣方式,共回收397份問卷,扣除無效問卷後,380份為有效問卷。研究結果顯示習慣、享樂動機、績效期望與努力期望對於運動場館APP之使用意向具有正向影響,數位生活型態在UTAUT2與使用意向間則不具顯著調節效果,最後根據本研究結論,建議業者可致力於增加使用者對運動場館之黏著程度,以提升使用APP的「習慣」。


As people in Taiwan are paying more and more attention to sports and leisure activities, the demand for sports facilities has greatly increased, prompting sports venues to flourish in recent years. Owing to the rise of sports venues and the maturity of Taiwan’s information technology and smart mobile devices development, Taiwan's sports venue operators have launched sports venue APP to provide convenient services and shorten the distance between sports venues and consumers. The study aims to explore the willingness of sports venue consumers to adapt sports venue APP, through the extended integrated technology acceptance model (UTAUT2) and digital lifestyle, and experts with sports venues backgrounds were invited to review the content and construct a questionnaire. Questionnaire based on the users of “World Gym”, “My Fitness Factory”, “Smart Sports Center”, and “17 Fit” was adapted in the study. Through convenience sampling, 397 questionnaires were collected, of which 380 were valid. According to the result of the study, habits, hedonic motivation, performance expectations and effort expectations have a positive impact on the intention of using sports venue APP, of which “habits” have the highest predictive power for usage intention, while digital lifestyle has no significant moderating effect between UTAUT2 and use intention. has the highest predictive power. Finally, based on the analysis results, provide practical suggestions for sports venues and APP operators as a reference for continuous improvement.


UTAUT2 Sports Venues APP Digital Lifestyle


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