  • 學位論文


Effectiveness of a social-media-delivered healthy dietary intervention among firefighters

指導教授 : 胡益進 張晏蓉


消防員工作除三班制外,亦隨時需要出勤,因此,藉由社群媒體進行營養教育是可以克服消防員輪班以及隨時出勤的限制。本研究旨在運用健康信念模式(Health Belief Model, HBM) 作為本研究之基礎,利用社群媒體進行介入,藉以探討其對於新北市某二分隊消防隊員的健康飲食知識、自覺健康狀態、慢性疾病自覺罹患性、慢性疾病自覺嚴重性、健康飲食自覺障礙、健康飲食自覺利益、行動線索、自我效能以及健康飲食行為。 本研究採準實驗設計,立意選取新北市某二個消防分隊共80位消防員參與研究,其中一分隊隊員40位參加者為實驗組(社群媒體組),另一分隊40位參加者為對照組(傳統手冊組);實驗組加入社群媒體進行12周介入,介入策略包括:電子書、簡易料理食譜、線上教練、餐點照片上傳、集點活動。對照組則是給予健康飲食手冊一本。 研究結果顯示,社群媒體介入後,研究對象在「健康飲食知識」、「自覺健康狀態」、「自我效能」、「健康飲食行為」等變項較對照組有顯著改善。另外,社群媒體組利用多元的課程策略,在滿意度優於傳統的手冊介入。 根據本研究結果,未來在推廣利用社群媒體進行營養教育時,可以依照研究對象設計符合個人化的介入策略,實能提升營養教育介入成效,符合現今的精準營養教育模式。


Firefighters are shift-workers and have to respond to emergency cases during their shift. Nutrition education for firefighters using social medias may overcome the participation barriers due to shiftwork and uncertain schedule. This study aims to adapt the Health Belief Model to evaluate the effectiveness of a social media intervention on knowledge and behavior of healthy eating, perceived susceptibility and severity of having chronic diseases, perceived benefit and barriers of healthy eating, cues to action, and self-efficacy among firefighters in New Taipei City. This quasi-experiment study conducted convenience sampling to recruit 80 firefighters from two fire branches in New Taipei City. Forty participants from one branch were assigned to experimental group, and the other 40 participants from another branch were assigned to control group. The activities implemented in the experimental group included e-book, cooking recipes, online coaching, food photo sharing, and credit point collection in the 12-week intervention period. A healthy eating guidebook was provided to participants in the control group without any further activity. Study results showed that knowledge, behavior, and self-efficacy of healthy eating were significantly improved in the experimental group after the intervention. The experimental group also reported higher level of satisfaction regarding the social-media-delivered intervention than control group. In conclusion, social-media-delivered intervention can be considered as an effective approach to implement nutrition education. Customized intervention strategy may precisely meet target audiences’ needs and improve the intervention outcome.


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