  • 學位論文


Between Homeland and Idols:Identities and Boundary Work of BTS Fans in China

指導教授 : 胡綺珍


中國繼2016年祭出不成文的「限韓令」後,近年韓星的「辱華爭議」也在中國社群平台「微博」頻繁上演,韓國知名男子團體防彈少年團(BTS)就是其中之一。該團體雖在全球取得空前成功,卻在2020年因沾惹上辱華爭議備受中國網友排斥,其在中國的粉絲群體「中國ARMY」同樣遭受「不愛國」指責。該研究所關照的核心議題,即是這群粉絲在面對辱華爭議、乃至眾多國族事件時,採取了哪些行動,以及如何在祖國與偶像間協商認同。 本研究借用指認與劃界理論,探討中國ARMY處在官方限制和網路的愛國主義氛圍下,面對偶像的國族爭議時,他們如何定位自我、指認他人,又建構出何種論述;以及在愛祖國與愛偶像之間,中國ARMY如何於線下追星和網路空間(微博、Twitter)中進行劃界,藉此達到何種目的。 本研究採用「深度訪談」與「網路田野觀察」作為研究取徑,主要透過Twitter與11位中國ARMY進行訪談,並針對防彈少年團的國族事件,著重觀察受訪者於Twitter和微博的貼文,以及多數粉絲的輿論風向。 研究發現,中國ARMY在被指的同時,也指認出諸多他者,包括對家粉、黑粉、小粉紅、營銷號和路人等,並形容他們是「非理性的」、「盲目的」,從而定位自我是「理性的」、「有判斷力的」。劃界工作則包含三個層次,分別是「粉絲與偶像間」、「粉絲間」,以及「網路空間」,且因認同是一富含變化的動態過程,故對同一事物的劃界方式均不只一種。 此外,據本研究觀察,部分受訪者在經歷一連串指認與劃界後,均展現出抵抗意識,他們以辱華爭議為契機,從微博遷徙到Twitter,變得敢於談論國族議題,甚至對祖國提出批判,重新思索國族與偶像的意義。


After the Chinese government issued the unwritten “Korean restriction order” in 2016, in recent years, South Korean stars’ “China-insulting disputes” have also been frequently talked about on the Chinese community platform “Weibo”. The well-known South Korean boy band BTS is also involved in it. Although this band has achieved unprecedented success in the world, it was hated by Chinese netizens because of the controversy of insulting China in 2020, and its fandom “Chinese ARMY” was also criticized as “unpatriotic”. The core issue of this thesis is what actions these fans have taken in the face of China-insulting disputes and even other national affairs, and how they balance their sense of identity between their homeland and idols. This thesis uses the theory of identification and boundary work to explore how Chinese ARMY positioned themselves and identified others, and which discourse they constructed, when they confronted national disputes over idols under official restrictions and the atmosphere of network patriotism; and also how Chinese ARMY performed boundary work between loving the homeland and loving idols in offline idolatry and cyberspace (Weibo, Twitter), and which purpose to achieve. This study adopts “in-depth interviews” and “online field observation” as the research methods. The researcher interviews 11 Chinese ARMY members through Twitter, and observes the interviewees’ posts regarding the national affairs of BTS on Twitter and Weibo, as well as the opinion of most fans. In the study, it is found that while being identified, Chinese ARMY also identified “the other”, including rival fans, anti-fans, little pink, marketing accounts (yngshiauhaw) and normal netizens. They described “the other” as “irrational” and “blind”, thus positioning themselves as “rational” and “judgmental”. The boundary work includes three aspects, namely “between fans and idols”, “between fans”, and “in cyberspace”. Since the sense of identity is a dynamic process full of changes, there is more than one way to analyze the same thing through the boundary work. In addition, according to the observation of this study, some interviewees showed an awareness of resistance after a series of identifications and boundary work. They took the China-insulting disputes as an opportunity, migrated from Weibo to Twitter, and began to have the courage to talk about national issues and even criticize the Chinese government, rethinking the meaning of their homeland and idols.


BTS Chinese fans Nationalism Boundary Work Weibo Insulting China


〈[情報] 防彈少年團單獨演唱會人數紀錄整理〉(2019年11月27日),《PTT》。上網日期:2021年8月15日,取自https://pttent.com/bts/M.1574865862.A.8BE.html
〈BTS:韓國修例允許防彈少年團等頂級K-pop明星延遲入伍〉(2020年12月2日),《BBC NEWS中文》。上網日期:2021年10月3日,取自https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/trad/world-55156690
