  • 學位論文


The Preliminary study on Chinese Pronunciation Teaching Materials for Korean Children

指導教授 : 蔡雅薰


語言早期教育在語言習得上有更大的優勢。原因在於它不但可以直觀地認知外語,並且還幫助學生發音更為流暢。在認知發展階段上,從五歲到十二歲的孩子們具有最佳的模仿能力,在發音上,可以培養成跟母語者相似的流利程度。華語發音系統與韓語不同,韓國人很難掌握華語發音。在韓國的大部分兒童華語課程和教材卻都不太重視發音學習。而發音標準是語言學習的基本,會影響到學習者的聽力和口語能力,也影響到未來溝通能力,因此發音教學有其重要性。 本論文旨在為韓國兒童提供適合的華語語音教材及教學活動設計,以作為課後課程的補助教材。首先,對漢語語音體系與韓國語音系統之間的差異進行比較,接著分析了韓籍學生對漢語發音學習難點以及偏誤,並回顧了漢語語音的特點以及外語習得理論相關的文獻。其次,基於文獻回顧內容,編寫了為韓國兒童適合的語音教材。 為了使兒童清楚掌握發音的差異, 本研究活用中國傳統「繞口令」、「順口溜」及「兒歌」,設計教學活動,希望引起孩子們在學習上的興趣並愉快地學習。最後討論本研究和未來研究展望及局限性。


According to many studies, early foreign language learning brings cognitive advantages, interest in foreign cultures, and fluency in pronunciation. However, the advantages of early foreign language education are not integrated into the Chinese education in Korea. Pronunciation is an important factor of language teaching, and most children's Chinese textbooks do not pay much attention to pronunciation learning. Pronunciation and intonation are important factors that affect learners' listening and speaking skills and will affect future communication skills. The purpose of this study is to design Chinese pronunciation teaching materials suitable for Korean children. First, after analyzing the general situation of Korean children's Chinese education and discuss the difficulties of Korean students' pronunciation learning. And reviews the literatures related to textbook design theory, phonology, and foreign language acquisition theory. Secondly, based on the literature review survey, textbooks suitable for Korean children were compiled. In order to embody the acquisition of Chinese pronunciation and tones, this study uses the traditional Chinese tongue twister or songs to design teaching activities. Finally, the prospects and limitations of this study and future research are discussed.


一、 華語
(一) 書籍
刘珣(2000) 。 對外漢語敎育學引論。北京:北京語言大學出版社。
葉德明(2005) 。 華語文教學規範與理論基礎。台北: 師大書苑。
