  • 學位論文


A Study of Passive Sentence with “shou” in Contemporary Chinese and the Comparisons with “bei” Sentence

指導教授 : 蕭惠貞


漢語學界多將被動句按照被動標誌的有無分為「被」字句(包括「叫」、「讓」、「給」字句)及「受事主語句」,然而「受」字句並不屬於上述任何一類。按本文的分析,「受」字句為帶有被動意義的主動句。在句法上,「受」字句為以「受」作動詞的主動賓句,但在語義上卻具有被動語義,其被動意義來自於「受」本身的詞彙意義,表現在賓語與主語之間的受動關係上。 本文對「受」字句的分析主要分為句法、語義及語篇功能三個層面。在句法方面,確立「受」字句中的賓語必為名詞性成分,包括名詞(短語)、子句及名物化結構。此外,亦說明了「受」字句中帶程度副詞修飾的條件,其中的「受」字短語內部必定具有程度義,且該程度副詞修飾的範圍是整個短語,而非動詞「受」本身。 在語義方面,將「受」字句中的「受」字以「接受」與「遭受」兩個義項來定義,用以說明「受」字句的句式語義可為正面、負面或中性。另外,本文也使用了Teng(1975)提出的漢語格關係系統來分析「受」字句中各名詞成分的語義角色。 在語篇功能方面,「受」字句在語段中具有主題銜接與連貫的功能。而在同一個主題鏈中,「受」字句可位於起始句或結束句,但多屬於後景信息,表示事件的狀態,客觀性較強。 除了針對「受」字句的分析外,本文亦在句法、語義、語篇功能三個方面與「被」字句進行比較。最後,本文將研究的成果應用於教學面,考察坊間的華語教材並對其進行評比,提出教學建議與教學排序,並設計出一套「受」字句的教學材料。希望本研究對「受」字句的教學有所助益。


It’s well accepted that there are two types of passive sentence in Chinese study, which includes “bei” sentence (“rang”, “jiao”, “gei” sentence) and “unmarked patent-subject sentence”. However, “shou” sentence doesn’t belong to any of them. According to this study, “shou” sentence is an active sentence showing passive meaning, which is related to the subject and the object. In this research, “shou” sentences are analyzed from syntax, semantics, and discourse function perspectives. For syntax, this research concludes the objects of “shou” must be nominals, including nouns, clauses, or nominalized elements. Also, “shou” phrases will show certain extent for “shou” sentences modified by adverbs of degree. The meanings of verb “shou” in “shou” sentence are defined as “to receive” or “to suffer something unpleasant”, which explains why “shou” sentences give positive, negative, and neutral meanings. In addition, this research also digs into the semantic roles of nominal elements in “shou” sentence, which are decided according to the case frames proposed by Teng in 1975. Subjects in “shou” sentences are “topics” (or themes) which work to keep continuity of the same topic or to switch topics between sentences. As for the function in compound sentences, “shou” clauses can be either in the beginning or ending position and the function is mainly to express background information. Besides “shou” sentence, this research also compares “shou” sentence and “bei” sentence from syntax, semantics, and discourse function perspectives. To put the above results into practice in TCSL field, teaching materials and guideline are designed based on both pedagogical grammar and the results of this research.


尹洪波(2012)。漢語被動句研究說略。日中対照言語學會,《日本語と中. 國語のヴォイス》。東京:白帝社,頁252-268。
