  • 學位論文


The Influence of Perceived Psychological Control among High- School Student on Oppositional Defiance, Depressive Mood, and Subjective Well-Being: Mediating Role of Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration

指導教授 : 陳慧娟


本研究旨在了解高中生知覺心理控制、對立反抗、憂鬱情緒與主觀幸福感之間的關係,並檢驗基本心理需求滿足與受挫在變項關係中的中介效果。本研究參與者為臺灣北、中、南地區公私立高中(包含普通高中、技術型高中、綜合高中)一至三年級之在學學生,共884人。研究工具包含「知覺心理控制量表」、「對立反抗量表」、「基本心理需求滿足與受挫量表」、「憂鬱情緒量表」和「主觀幸福感量表」,採用描述性統計、Pearson積差相關和路徑分析進行資料分析。 主要研究結果發現高中生知覺心理控制與對立反抗、憂鬱情緒、基本心理需求受挫均呈現顯著正相關;與主觀幸福感、基本心理需求滿足均呈現顯著負相關。基本心理需求滿足與對立反抗、憂鬱情緒呈現顯著負相關,與主觀幸福感顯著正相關;基本心理需求受挫則與對立反抗、憂鬱情緒呈現顯著正相關,與主觀幸福感呈現顯著負相關。此外,本研究發現基本心理需求滿足在知覺心理控制與對立反抗,知覺心理控制與憂鬱情緒之關係均存在部分中介效果,在知覺心理控制與主觀幸福感關係中存在完全中介效果;基本心理需求受挫則在知覺心理控制與對立反抗關係中存在部分中介效果,在知覺心理控制與憂鬱情緒,知覺心理控制與主觀幸褔感之關係均呈現完全中介效果。 本研究根據以上研究結果進行討論,並且提出具體建議以做為未來學術研究及青少年輔導實務之參考。


The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between perceived psychological control among high school students, oppositional defiance, depressive mood, and subjective well-being, and to examine the mediating role of basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration. The survey had a total of 884 participants from vocational or academic high schools’ first to third grade in Taiwan. All of the participants completed the Perceived Psychological Control Scale, Oppositional Defiance Scale, Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction and Frustration Scale, Depressive Mood Scale, and Subjective Well-Being Scale. The data was analyzed via descriptive statics, Pearson correlation, and path analysis. The results showed that there was significant positive correlation between perceived psychological control and oppositional defiance, depressive mood, or basic psychological need frustration; significant negative correlation could be observed between perceived psychological control and subjective well-being or basic psychological need satisfaction. Also, there was significant negative correlation between basic psychological need satisfaction and oppositional defiance or depressive mood, but significant positive correlation between basic psychological need satisfaction and subjective well-being; significant positive correlation could be observed between basic psychological need frustration and oppositional defiance or depressive mood, but significant negative correlation between basic psychological need frustration and subjective well-being. Besides, basic psychological need satisfaction was a partial mediator between perceived psychological control and oppositional defiance or depressive mood, and a full mediator between perceived psychological control and subjective well-being; basic psychological need frustration was a partial mediator between perceived psychological control and oppositional defiance, and a full mediator between perceived psychological control and depressive mood or subjective well-being. Based on the above results, this research provides discussions and suggestions to further researchers and practitioners in this area.


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