  • 學位論文


A Study of the Teacher-Parent Communication Experience of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Preschool Inclusion

指導教授 : 田秀蘭


本研究透過焦點團體訪談法,訪談十九位泛自閉症學生家長與教師親師溝通的經驗,過程中以錄影與錄音的方式進行資料蒐集,彙整所得資料進行逐字稿編碼與內容分析。研究目的主要探討,泛自閉症學生家長在學前融合教育中,促進親師間形成良好親師溝通的因素,以及影響親師溝通不良的因素,以從中彙整出促進有效親師溝通的方法。本研究結果如下:一、歸納泛自閉學生家長產生親師溝通不良的原因:(1)親師觀念與立場不一致;(2)親師溝通時受到地點與環境的影響;(3)親師以負面的溝通態度進行親師溝通;(4)教師未具備充足的專業素養;(5)教師人格特質與教學風格影響親師溝通。二、整理影響泛自閉學生親師形成良好溝通關係的因素:(1)親師之間能保持相互交流的關係;(2)親師能善用各種溝通管道;(3)親師雙方秉持正向的溝通態度;(4)教師具備充足的專業素養。三、促進有效親師溝通的方法:(1)親師間相互同理,營造良好互信關係;(2)教師具備專業能力,足以引導家長建立正向信念;(3)親師間具有應對親師衝突的能力。四、影響親師溝通的其他因素:(1)各校實施融合教育的差異;(2)泛自閉症學生家庭支持系統差異。 最後,根據研究結果對未來相關實務與研究提出具體建議。


This study using the focus group interview, 19 parents of Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) students were interviewed about their experiences in communicating with teachers, the data were collected by video and audio recording, and the obtained data was compiled for verbatim encoding and content analysis. The objective of this study is to explore the factors that promote good parent-teacher communication between parents and teachers in preschool integrated education, as well as the factors that affect poor parent-teacher communication, so as to summarize methods to promote effective parent-teacher communication. The results of this study are as follows: First, summarize the reasons for the difficulties of parent-teacher communication among parents of ASD students: inconsistent parent-teacher concepts and positions, parent-teacher communication is affected by location and environment, parent-teacher communication with negative communication attitude, teachers do not have sufficient professional quality, and teachers’ personality traits and teaching styles affect parent-teacher communication. Second, collected the factors that affect the formation of a good communication relationship between parents and teachers of ASD students: Parent-teacher can maintain mutual communication relationships, parent-teacher can make good use of various communication channels, parent-teacher uphold a positive communication attitude and teachers have sufficient professional quality. Third, ways to promote effective parent-teacher communication: Parent-teacher empathize with each other, create a good relationship of mutual trust, teachers have professional ability, which is enough to guide parents to establish positive beliefs, and parent-teacher have the ability to deal with parent-teacher conflicts. Fourth, other factors affecting parent-teacher communication: Differences in the implementation of integrated education in different schools, and differences in the family support system of ASD students. Finally, according to the research results, specific suggestions are put forward for future relevant practices and research.


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