  • 學位論文


Smart Lighting Management System

指導教授 : 王信福
共同指導教授 : 瞿怡


本論文採用美國劇院技術協會(USITT)所擬定數位多通道(Digital Multiplex 512)協議之標準訊號,藉此來操作機台以監控工廠、住家之照明(LED)、電源,經由感測器並透過ZigBee模組回傳訊號,可即時回報任何狀況(如未使用中、燈具損毀等)於主控系統(如個人電腦、筆電、手機),並利用脈衝寬度調變之特性分別控制三原色發光二極體(LED)進行混光之動作,更藉由簡易型的人機介面,讓使用者能更輕鬆讓生活增加許多色彩。 近年來行動裝置(如Mobile Phone、PAD)的興起,在此提出Android平台開發的操作程式,經由Wi-Fi模組傳輸控制訊號,即使長時間不在電腦前,也可透過行動裝置即時監控家裡或公司電源以及照明設備使用之狀況。


In this paper, a smart green energy management system based on Digital Multiplex 512 (DMX512) protocol that is established by United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) is proposed. The end user can monitor and control the LED lamps and electric powers according to the information received from the sensors by means of the channels of DMX512. In addition, the different color lights including red, green, and blue lights can be achieved by means of the color-mixing methods of red, green, and blue LEDs based on photometry theory. As a matter of fact, there have been attracted much attention on the mobile devices in recent years. In the study, a mobile device with an Android platform is used to control the electric power and LED lamps according to the information received from the Wi-Fi module and/or ZigBee module immediately. However, the smart green energy management system based on DMX512 protocol has some merits, such as in real-time control, easy operation, low cost, etc.


(1) 王信福, “MCS-51單晶片微電腦原理與應用”,儒林圖書有限公司,西元2004年9月二版三刷。
(2) 王俞允, “PADS Logic高速電路設計電路圖篇”,碁峰資訊股份有限公司,西元2006年8月初版。
(3) 王品, “PADS電路板設計實務”, 碁峰資訊股份有限公司,西元2008年7月初版。
(4) 五鈴光學股份有限公司, [Online], Available: http://www.isuzuoptics.com.tw/cht/
(5) 何謂DMX - 512協定, [Online], Available: http://www.fuji.com.tw/shownews.asp?RecordNo=1757

