  • 學位論文


The research of a single retailer and two manufacturers advertising cost-sharing using the game theory.

指導教授 : 羅明正


在供應鏈中,製造商生產出來的產品會透過行銷的方法將產品傳遞給消費者,並刺激潛在消費者的購買慾望,使其產生購買行為。一般最常使用的行銷手法即是廣告(Advertising),利用廣告代言人在同性質品牌不同的產品來打響知名度。製造商與零售商通常藉由廣告代言人來傳播產品訊息、增加產品差異性、提高消費者購買意願等。而製造商對其產品運用廣告代言人,主要是增加品牌形象;另一方面,零售商進行廣告促銷,則是讓潛在消費者產生立即性購買的刺激。廣告費用的分攤在行銷活動中扮演著非常重要的角色,為製造商與零售商之間的一種互動關係,藉此其中一方可以負擔較少的廣告成本及費用。 本論文主要探討的是在通路中含有單一零售商與兩個製造商下,由製造商分攤零售商地方性廣告促銷費用與零售商分攤製造商全國性廣告代言人費用兩個議題。在兩個議題下皆探討製造商間的廣告代言人獨立效果,並在獨立效果下,加入議價問題做分析。本研究主要是依賽局方法建立兩個非合作策略(Retailer-Stackelberg、Nash),及一個合作策略(Cooperative game),進行分析。最後,應用數值例子於各模式中,進行模式分析比較。


In the supply chain, the manufacturer produced products through marketing approach will deliver products to consumers and stimulate consumer desire to buy the potential to produce buying behavior. Generally the most commonly used marketing techniques that is advertising (advertising) the nature of the use of the same brand endorsers of different products to establish reputation. Manufacturers and retailers often spread by endorsers to product information, increase product differentiation, increase consumer purchase intention. The use of its products and manufacturers endorsers, mainly to increase the brand image ; On the other hand, retailers advertising and promotion, is to let potential consumers buy produce immediate stimulus. The costs of advertising in the marketing activities play a very important role as manufacturers and retailers an interactive relationship between, whereby one party can afford fewer advertising costs and expenses. This thesis explores the path contains a single retailer in with two manufacturers, the retailers by the manufacturers share local advertising promotional expenses allocated manufacturers and retailers nationwide advertising spokesperson costs two issues. In the next two issues are discussed between the manufacturer endorsers independent effect, and in the independent effects, add bargaining issues for analysis. This study is to establish two way game by non-cooperative strategy (Retailer-Stackelberg, Nash), and a Cooperative game, for analysis. Finally, numerical examples in each mode, the mode analysis and comparison.


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