  • 學位論文


Synthesis and characterization of microcellular injection molded PP/MMT and PPgMA/MMT nanocomposites

指導教授 : 黃世欣


本研究主要探討聚丙烯(Polypropylene;PP)及馬來酸酐接枝聚丙烯(PPgMA)兩種高分子材料,分別與蒙脫土(Montmorillonite;MMT)結合之奈米複合材料,添加不同比例蒙脫土含量(0.5、1、3 wt%),透過超臨界微細發泡射出成型製作發泡及未發泡兩種不同製程之測試用試片,探討不同比例蒙脫土含量與不同製程對奈米複合材料之機械、發泡以及熱性質的影響。研究結果顯示,奈米特性部分由穿透式電子顯微鏡檢視蒙脫土在PP及PPgMA中的分散狀況,並從分散狀況可得知PP/MMT與PPgMA/MMT兩種複合材料大部分為插層型及少部分為脫層型,隨著蒙脫土添加量增加,看見蒙脫土有團聚現象發生;經由X光繞射分析的實驗得知蒙脫土於高分子當中層間距離的變化,在PPgMA當中添加適量的蒙脫土能夠增加蒙脫土之層間距離,PP添加蒙脫土則沒有發現明顯變化。在機械性質方面,PP/MMT奈米複合材料之傳統射出測試結果發現,蒙脫土的添加量不超過0.5 wt%能夠提升抗拉強度及衝擊強度,在發泡射出的塑膠成品發現隨著蒙脫土添加量提升不超過1 wt%時能提升抗拉強度,但對成品的耐衝擊性卻有下降的趨勢。而PPgMA/MMT奈米複合材料在傳統射出的塑膠成品方面,蒙脫土的添加量不超過1 wt%能夠提升抗拉強度及衝擊強度,在發泡射出的塑膠成品發現PPgMA添加了三種比例之蒙脫土,抗拉強度都有明顯上升的趨勢,其中1 wt%時抗拉強度最高,且耐衝擊強度同樣是添加1 wt%之蒙脫土較高。透過動態機械分析發現,PP及PPgMA添加0.5 wt%蒙脫土能夠得到最高儲存模數。在熱性質方面,透過熱重分析儀發現隨著蒙脫土的添加量增加,PP/MMT及PPgMA/MMT兩種測試樣品裂解溫度皆有上升之趨勢;在熱示差分析結果發現PP添加1 wt%蒙脫土以及PPgMA添加0.5 wt%蒙脫土可以得到最高結晶度,表示蒙脫土為成核劑,可加快結晶速率;由流變儀測試結果發現,隨著蒙脫土的添加量增加,複合材料的黏度皆有明顯下降。發泡型態部分透過掃瞄式電子顯微鏡可以觀察到PP及PPgMA添加蒙脫土後,有效提升微細發泡之氣泡密度,因此複合材料之耐衝擊強度也隨之提高。


Montmorillonite (MMT) is one of the clay material which has several functions like mechanical strength enhamcement, gas barrier, anti-corrision, and anti-bacterial. So it is a good candidate in several applications.This study investigated the effects of MMT (0.5, 1, 3 wt.%) loading on the tensile strength/thermal properties of microcellular injection molded PP and PPgMA composites. The injection molding process was done by non-foam and microcellular molding. Results showed that the dispersion from TEM pictures, some of MMT are intercalated and some of them are exfoliated structures. XRD results showed that PPgMA can increased more D-spacing of clay layers than that of PP material. This 0.5 wt % loading of MMT had the best tensile strength for solid molding while it is 1.0 wt.%. loading for microcellular molding on PP material. However, it had best tensile strength for the 1.0 wt% MMT loading on PPgMA material. This is the results of MA grafted PP. Tensile strength is related to the filler dispersion in the matrix. Good dispersion resulted in good tensile strength. They had the highest storage modulus for 0.5 wt% MMT loading both for PP/MMT and PPgMA/MMT nanocomposites from the DMA test results. TGA results showed that thermal degradation can be increased with addition of MMT both for PP/MMT and PPgMA/MMT nanocomposites. Capillary rheometer test results showed that viscosity decreased with the addition of MMT, so the MMT served as a lubricant. SEM morphorogy showed that with addition of MMT, cell size decreased and cell density increased. MMT served as the nucleation agent.


Nanocomposites Graphene PP PPgMA Microcellular


[5]William D.Callister, Jr & David G. Rethwisch 著,陳恒清、楊子毅、張柳春譯,材料科學與工程,歐亞書局有限公司,台北,民國一百零二年。
