  • 學位論文


The Influence of Personality Traits, Trust Tendency and Blogging on the Purchase Intentions-A Case Study on Cosmetics Group Purchase

指導教授 : 李宜致


隨著網路技術的發展,網路購物網站與部落格的興起,許多人將自身的購買產品心得及優惠介紹都出現在部落格內,利用部落格的文章分享及轉寄便利性,讓一篇篇試用文及分享文在網路裡流串。而在2009年開始智慧型手機的興起,許多人喜歡利用空閒時間,利用行動網路上網查詢、分享資料及在手機上進行購物的動作。所以在經濟不景氣中,大家利用網路來一起購買相同的商品,並且以量制價,以達到買方及賣方都雙贏的局面,而現在許多小店家也因為購買商品的團購網站,逐漸有名了起來。 本研究針對團購化妝品的消費者購買意願進行研究,從消費者的人格特質、信任傾向、部落格使用行為此三個面向,探討其對團購化妝品購買意願之研究。研究顯示,消費者的部落格使用行為對購買意願有正向影響;而部落格使用行為中又以認知易用性構面及行為意向構面對購買意願具有高度影響;人格特質對購買意願無顯著影響;信任傾向對購買意願無顯著影響。所以建議企業或團購網站經營者,可針對部落格使用行為的認知易用性構面及行為意向構面來著手,作為其擬定企業經營行銷策略時的參考,以提高其企業業績並增加企業利潤。


With the development of network technology as well as the emergence of online shopping websites and blogs, a large number of people post their opinions on the purchased products and the promotion information in their blogs. The convenient article sharing and reposting contributes to the spreading of the articles related to the product tryout and sharing on the Internet. Since 2009, as the intelligent mobile phones gaining their popularity, many people have fallen in love with online searching, sharing materials and purchasing through the mobile internet in their spare time. During the period of the economic recession, people buy the same product via internet at the prices dependent on quantities to acquire a win-win situation for both purchasers and sellers. Meanwhile, thanks to the group purchase websites, a lot of small-scale stores become increasingly famous. The research will study the customers’ purchase intention in cosmetics group purchase, trying to explore the effects of personality traits, trust tendency and blogs on the purchase intention in the process of cosmetics purchase. It’s indicated from the research that customers’ blogging has a positive effect on customers’ purchase intention; as for blogging, the dimensions of cognitive usability and behavioral intention dimension impose great effects on the purchase intention; personality traits have no significant influence on the purchase intention; trust tendency has no significant influence on the purchase intention. Therefore, it’s recommended that enterprises or operators of group purchase websites should regard the cognitive usability and behavioral intention as the reference for implementing business marketing strategies in enterprises, so as to enhance the performance and increase the profits.


3.毛向輝(2003),「Blog 將成為教育中的重要工具」 http://www.isaacmao.com/works/essay/BlogEP/Weblog_Profolios.htm
