  • 學位論文

國小推動閱讀活動與學童閱讀態度之相關研究 --以桃園市某國小為例

A Study on the Relationship between the Promotion of Reading Activities and Students Reading Attitude – Taking Certain Primary School in Taoyuan City as a Case Study

指導教授 : 薛朝勇


推動閱讀的理念與構想「閱讀推廣教育」是近年來世界各先進國家在中小學教育改革上相當重視的一環,由於網際網路的發達致使學生語文能力的下降,因此,希望藉由推動閱讀教育提升學生閱讀能力及語文能力,並培養學生終身學習的觀念,同時提升學生的素質與競爭力。 本研究旨在探討學校推動閱讀活動與國小學生閱讀態度之關連。以桃園市某國小三至六年級學生為研究對象,採用「閱讀行為問卷」為研究工具來進行。本研究發現,受測學童的閱讀態度平均屬佳;相對於信念及感覺層面,行為層面稍弱。學生對學校推動的閱讀活動愈感興趣,他們的閱讀行為會隨之提升,所以學校應設計符合學生興趣的閱讀活動,以提升學生對閱讀的興趣,進而培養出良好的閱讀態度。閱讀教育不再只是學校單方面的事,學生閱讀的習慣與能力養成需要家庭共同營造。


"Reading promotion” has been highly emphasized in recent years among the advanced countries in their primary and secondary education reform. The rapid development of Internet has resulted in the decline of students’ language proficiency. Therefore, it is hoped, through the promotion of reading education, to enhance students' reading skills and language abilities, and to develop lifelong learning concept, while improving students’ quality and competitiveness. This study was designed to investigate the relationship between the promotion of reading activities and students reading attitude. We take students from grades three to six in certain primary school in Taoyuan City as the study object, and using the "questionnaire on reading attitude" as tools for research. We found that students are more interested in school-driven reading activities, and their reading behavior will increase. Schools should designe reading activities to meet students’ interest, and to enhance students’ interest in reading and develop a good reading attitude.


(1) 丁嘉琳(2007)。借鏡國際臺灣閱讀出了什麼問題。天下雜誌,387,220-222。
