  • 學位論文


Investigation on the methods of intertidal mudflat protection

指導教授 : 陳明正


過去的海岸工程為了海岸土地防護和港口開發利用,使用人工構造物去對抗大自然來達到防災的目的,但其常因過於偏重人類片面的需求,忽略了對自然的尊重。而近年來國內因生態工法的提倡,喚起了大家對海岸工程建設需顧及自然生態復育的省思。 海岸的許多海洋生物,經過長期的演化,多半只能適應生活在這些特有的棲地,如潮間帶、泥灘地等地方,但由於海岸的快速開發利用,嚴重侵占並破壞了各種生物的棲地;海岸地區也由於波浪潮流的作用,產生對生物良性的干擾,對生物多樣性的生態系是有益的,同時棲地在經自然的不規則性週期破壞之後,能夠快速地自我復原。 基於與大自然共生的理念,在開發海岸時不能只考慮土地經濟利用的課題。所以各類在營造工程中不論是築堤防災、漁港建設或填築新生地都會造成藻場、漁場與溼地等海岸生態的破壞。近來提倡所謂補償措施(Mitigation)就是盡量達到在營造工程上「迴避」、「最小化」及「補償」自然環境保護觀念,首先是要求儘量減少環境被破壞,若有不可避免的破壞或對已開發而惡化的環境,則需要儘快研發復育技術,在同樣地區或替代地區進行生態復育來給予補償。 為了保護海岸潮間帶侵蝕性泥灘地及提升生態環境效能並同時兼顧永續工程之概念,本研究選定一實驗區,進行竹樁柵欄工法、竹樁固灘工法及筐網工法三種構造物方案之泥灘地保護工構造物施工前後,進行潮間帶、泥灘地之地形變化測量及生態環境調查。並瞭解在實驗區範圍之氣象、海流等特性下,竹樁固灘工法是具有最佳之保護成效,透過所設置工法能充分達到海灘砂石之確保,避免海岸線之國土遭受侵蝕而產生內縮,且能充分保護潮間帶、泥灘地,以提供環境生物良好地生存環境及民眾在更多優質的親水空間之成效。 在未來相似環境海岸潮間帶的充分利用本研究成果,來保護國土資源與環境生態,是大家可以共同努力的。


Coastal development and utilization has been a prime focus in the past with the use of artificial structures to counteract nature. However, the needs for humans are often over-emphasized with the respect for nature often ignored. This often causes natural disasters. In recent years, the emphasis on ecological engineering has advocated the need to take into account notion of coastal reconstructions among all citizens. Many coastal organisms inhabit the region through long-term evolution. They are only able to adapt to unique environments or intertidal zones, mudflats and related areas. Due to the rapid development and utilization of such regions, rapid and severe coastal encroachments and have caused the destruction of habit of many organisms. Intertidal zones also experience the effects of tidal effects which can be disturbed with the biological and ecological environment. Meanwhile, environments which have been damaged or have irregular cycles can self-repair quickly. The economic effects of coastal development should not be the only factor considered. The concept of symbiosis with nature should also be taken into account. Recently conceptualized notion of environmental mitigation have been advocated. The first requirement is to minimize the effects of ecological damage. If the inevitable environmental destruction or deterioration has occurred, then restoration techniques should be applied as soon as possible. Where development is unavoidable, alternate methods should be applied to the area or development to occur in ecologically less sensitive areas. In improving environmental protection of the coastal intertidal erosion of the mudflats, this study investigated the method of using bamboo pile fence construction. Using engineering construction involving bamboo mesh and three structures were constructed in protecting the surrounding environment with a before and after survey conducted. Topographical survey and ecological environment surveys were conducted to investigate the effectiveness of such protective methods. This research ensures the prosperity of the nation’s ecology by utilizing the results of the intertidal research. The success depends on the achievement of everyone involved.


1.經濟部水利署水利規劃試驗所,海岸生態工程實務手冊彙編, 民國101年。
