  • 學位論文


The SWOT Study of Light-Gauge Steel-Framed Building Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王啟秀
共同指導教授 : 孔祥科


由於台灣盜採砂石的狀況相當嚴重,造成橋體倒塌及土石流的現象頻傳,這些都是不肖的砂石業者所導致的結果。一般的鋼筋混凝土造(RC造)建築在生產的過程中會產生大量的廢氣(CO2)與廢熱,即使在拆除之後,亦無法作回收再利用,如此不符合「環保再生」的宗旨;因此,目前政府相關單位極力推廣鋼結構及輕鋼構住宅,並朝向符合「綠建築」的理念。 近年來因受制於都市有限之建地,建築物紛紛往高空發展;再加上台灣地處地震帶,使得具有高強度、高韌性之鋼結構漸漸為工程界所青睞。另一方面,因近年來勞工嚴重短缺,鋼結構採用機械自動化,對其安全性及效率性也相對的提高,也增加了其競爭力;再加以國內砂石日漸短缺,環保意識日漸高漲,亦使具有預製性、工期短,對環境衝擊小,且可重複使用等優點之鋼結構大幅成長。 輕鋼構定義:以輕量型鋼為組構材料並利用組構方式與接合方法之應用所成之構法,又稱冷軋型鋼。 不同之構造方式,加以不同之材料使用,對環境造成之影響也不同。從永續發展到環境共生、從綠建築到構法選擇,無非都是對地球環境影響為評估標的。 在眾多之學說論作裡,鋼構於綠建築評估指標中脫穎而出,從綠建築生命週期中,就其構法與材料應用,來看材料取得與回收及廢棄物處理。 由整體耗能與環境影響評估下,不難得知輕鋼構比其他構法更符合綠建築,因此,研究輕量化鋼結構應用在低層住宅之課題將是未來重要之趨勢。


Due to the illegal mining of sand and gravel Taiwan situation is quite serious, causing the bridge collapsed and landslides frequent phenomenon, these are The results unscrupulous caused by gravel industry. Generally made of reinforced concrete (RC-made) building in the production process will produce a lot of gas (CO2) and waste heat, even after removal, they can not be recycled, so do not meet the "environmental regeneration" purpose; therefore, currently government agencies are trying to promote steel and light steel housing and work towards compliance with the concept of "green building" is. In recent years, due to the limited subject of urban building sites, buildings have to altitude development; coupled with Taiwan is located in an earthquake zone, making steel with high strength, high toughness gradually as engineering favor. On the other hand, because of the serious labor shortage in recent years, the use of steel machinery automation, safety and efficiency of its relatively improved, but also increased the competitiveness; coupled with the growing shortage of sand and gravel, the increasingly high environmental awareness, but also having pre-resistance, short construction period, a substantial growth of steel to small environmental impact, and the advantages of reusable. Light Steel Definition: lightweight steel structural material for the group and use the application modes and bonding methods into the fabric of the construction method, also known as cold-rolled steel. Constructed in different ways, the different materials to be used in the environmental impact of different. From sustainable development to environmental symbiosis, from green building construction methods to choose nothing but to assess the impact on the global environment subject. For the Doctrine of the many, the steel in green building evaluation index stand out from the green building life cycle, construction methods and materials for its application, look at materials made with recycled and waste treatment. Of the overall energy consumption and environmental impact assessment, it is easy to know more in line with the green light steel building structures than any other method, therefore, study the subject of lightweight steel structure in the lower house will be an important trend in the future.


