  • 學位論文


Brand and country manufacture image affect the perspective of consumers – A study of the boutique brand acguisiyions

指導教授 : 李祥銘


近年來有許多形象比較不佳的品牌也採取購併策略,來取得形象較優異的品牌,以 幫助他們,不僅是能進入全球市場中的高階市場,也期望能提升其低劣的品牌形象,尤 其是針對精品品牌。然而在有關購併的研究當中,大部分都是針對財務、策略,人力資 源,有關行銷的研究卻是被忽視和缺少的,在現代市場全球化和競爭的大背景下,企業 必須透過廉價的勞動力和低賦稅來降低成本,因此近幾十年來將生產移至發展中國家的 例子也越來越多。許多研究也表示,產品製造國家形象對消費者知覺有正向影響。本研 究的主要目的是要了解,品牌形象和產品製造國形象差異對消費者知覺的影響,以及這 些因素如何影響購併後的精品品牌。 此研究將衡量購併後主併精品品牌形象與製造國形象間的差異對於精品的影響。本 研究將使用實驗設計的方式進行,將操弄兩個變數:購併後精品品牌形象間的差距以及 產品製造國形象(其中品牌形象使用兩個層級:較低品牌形象的精品購併中度品牌形象 的精品; 較低品牌形象的精品購併更佳品牌形象精品)。而製造國分為三個層級.:差、 一般和卓越的。也就是說,此研究是一個2(品牌形象之間的差距)×3(產品製造國家) 組合設計。品牌形象差異與製造國之間的差距是在附屬的因素之間。 研究結果顯示,較低形象的精品品牌可以透過購併一個更佳形象的精品品牌來對自 身品牌其品牌精品指數(知覺炫耀性,知覺獨特性,知覺品質,知覺享樂價值,知覺延 伸自我)做出顯著改善。


Recently, there are many inferior image brands using M&A strategy to acquire superior image brands to help them not only enter the high-end segment of the global market but increase their inferior brand image, especially for the boutique brand. However, marketing- related research has been largely neglected and absent. In the modern context of market globalization and competition, companies must seek for cost down through cheaper labor and lower taxes, thus manufacturing in developing countries has been growing in recent decades. Many researches have demonstrated that country of manufacture (COM) has a positive effect on consumers’ perception. The purpose of this study seeks to fill the research gap by focusing on difference of brand image and COM on customer perceptions of the new brand, and how these factors affect boutique brand subsequent to M&A activities. This study was conducted to measure how different levels of variance in two brand images and country of manufacture image affect boutique brand after M&A. The experimental design in this study manipulated two variables: the gap between brand images and country of manufacture after M&A (brand image using two levels: a brand with a poor image acquires one with an average image, and another brand with a poor image acquires one with a superior image. Country of manufacture is divided into three levels; poor, average and excellence COM image). Namely, this study is a 2(gap between brand image)×3(country of manufacture) between-subject design. The gap between COO image and country of manufacture were between subject factors. The test results show that an inferior image boutique brand can make significant improvements to its brand boutique index(perceived conspicuousness, perceived uniqueness, perceived quality, perceived hedonic, perceived hedonic) by acquiring a brand with a better image.


boutique brand COO image M&A brand image


3、林建煌,消費者行為,智勝文化事業股份有限公司,民國九十一年二月 。
