  • 學位論文


A Research for Adaptation of the Children During they Study in the School that Employs their Parents as the Teachers, and the Interaction between the Parents and the Children’s Teacher

指導教授 : 吳克


親子同校是國內小學普遍的情況,教師與子女同校,和子女導師擁有同事與親師的雙重關係。本研究旨在了解國小教師在親子同校情況下,和子女教師的互動情形及教師子女學校的生活適應情形、親師的互動情形與教師子女的生活適應間的影響。本研究採質性研究,透過半結構式深度訪談的方式,訪問六組教師家長與其子女、子女的教師,進行資料蒐集,並分析訪談資料,歸納研究結果如下: 第一、親子同校下的親師互動情形 親師互動時以同事關係為主,導師和家長之間是否會更熟識,關鍵在孩子的身上。導師和家長較關注教師子女的行為問題;親師溝通方便有助於改善教師子女的行為問題。班上有教師子女,導師所承受的壓力會比教導一般學生來得大。 第二、教師子女的學校生活適應 教師子女在學校環境適應上,教師子女在入學前皆已提早熟悉學校環境;教師子女的學習成效良好,能跟上老師的進度,教師子女的學習適應良好。在師生適應方面,教師子女覺得導師了解自己,對於導師的感覺都是正向的。在同儕適應方面,教師子女的個性溫和、人際關係良好;同學會羨慕他們的身分,但不會認為他們的表現要比其他人好。 第三、親師互動與教師子女學校生活適應的關係 親師間的關係影響教師子女的學習,親師之間擁有良好的互動關係,對於教師子女的學習有正面的影響。


The purpose of thisresearch is to explore the interaction between the Parents and the Teachers, the adaptation of Children in school, and the influences of the Parents-Teachers interaction for the adaptation. The qualitative approaches are adopted, and semi-structured depth interviews is used for 6 triples of the Parents-Children-Teachers, in order to collect and analyse data. The findings of this research are summarized as follows: 1. The Parents-Teachersinteractions in the school The nature of the Parents-Teachers interactions in school is primarily teacher-to-teacher. The Children are key to the familiarity between the Teachers and Parents. The communication between the Parents and Teachers may facilitate correction of the Children’s behaviour problems. The Teachers are under heavier stresses when handling about the affairs about the Children. 2. The adaptation of the Children in School The Children are already familiar with the school environment before their enrolment thanks to they are the children of the Parents, and therefore, they adapt to the school well. The Children demonstrate effective learning, and are able to keep up with the instructions of the teachers. The Children feel they are understood by the Teachers; the relationship between the Children and the Teachers are good. The Children are not hot temper, and they maintain good relationship with their classmates. 3. The Interaction between the Parents and the Teachers vs. The Adaptation of the Children The relation between the Parents and the Teachers plays a role in the learning of the Children - a positive relation is beneficial for the learning of the Children.


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