  • 學位論文


The Study of Selective Factors of Cram School-A Case Study in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 孔祥科


研究目的在探討現今生育率下降,在少子化的社會中,每個孩子都是爸媽心中的寶貝,爸媽自己總是希望要給孩子最好的,不論是物質的享受或是教育,並期許孩子能高人一等,所以家長給予孩子的教育活動不再是侷限於學校,而是以全方面的能力培養為主。因此國內補教業者在教育政策及家長心態轉變之下,補教業者教學活動也以通才教育為主。 補習教育在國內也是行之有年,因教育政策和環境不斷改變,家長內心擔憂程度日趨升高,在這種狀態下補習教育也日益昌盛而補習類別也日益多元。美語補習班到處林立數量眾多,但品質可能良莠不齊,因此補習班服務、教學品質、價格等,都可能是影響家長選擇美語補習班因素之一。 因此本研究要以桃園區的家長為分析調查對象,在現今教育政策下以家長不同背景做為變項且以六個構面:企業形象、服務品質、教學品質、價格認知、補習班類型及便利性做為探討何者為影響家長選擇美語補習班的重要因素。


The birth rate has declined dramatically over the past decade in Taiwan.Every child is parents’ baby,they always give their children the best including education and the other.They hope the children that can be superior .As a result , parents are sending their children to cram schools to have multidisciplinary education. Therefore, the cram schools in Taiwan have already changed their teaching strategies from helping students to enter good schools to have different talents. Policy of education always changes that make parents worry.Therefore the amount of cram school are more and more.It is difficult to choose the best one from many cram schools.May be service quality, business image,instructional quality and the price are the key factors that help parents to choose. In this case,the parents in Taoyuan Conty for the analysis object. With the variables of different parents backgrounds,This study attempted to explore the service quality, price perception, business image, instructional quality, typeof cram school or convenience which one is the key factor that affect parents’ choice.


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