  • 學位論文

以深度訪談法了解中信房屋之理念、目標、組織發展 與績效評估

To understand the concept, goal and organization development of CITIC housing in depth and performance evaluation

指導教授 : 王啟秀


房仲業的盛衰榮枯,一向受到經濟發展、政府政策、社會結構、科技創新及環保意識影響至深,每經歷一個階段性重大改變,產業競爭就愈加白熱化,由單店經營到現在連鎖品牌形象的競逐,從全球在地化到國際行銷的躍進,房仲業也逐漸在調整其產業型態,積極整合品牌資源,朝多元化、集團化發展組織型態及經營。相較於以往的規模不明,常發生賺取差價、假借理由沒收訂金,或屋齡、坪數、漏水等糾紛事件。所以了解顧客需求,積極培育具有高品德之專業銷售人才,是當今房仲業的徵人關鍵。組織內部開始重視人員各式各樣的訓練及品性道德的養成,以房仲公司提供的服務來說,包括買屋、賣屋、租屋、房價諮詢、物件流通、代辦購屋、貸款、抵押權塗銷、登記、產權調查及地政事務等,均為經紀人員需經手的人力服務提供。 本研究以連鎖體系中信房屋為案例,檢視組織設定目標與觀念,管理觀念與技巧,改善組織管理效率,針對內外部環境的變化狀態,找出研究對象迎戰其他房仲業時的最佳競爭模式。


Fang Zhongye's ups and downs have always been affected by economic development, government policy, social structure, scientific and technological innovation and environmental awareness, each experienced a major change in the stage, the industry competition will become increasingly intense, from single-store business to the current chain of brands Image of the competition, from the global to the international marketing of the leap forward, Fang Zhongye also gradually adjust its industrial form, and actively integrate brand resources, towards diversification, the Group of the development of organizational forms and management. Compared to the previous size is unknown, often occur to earn the difference, under the guise of confiscation of deposit, or age, piling, leakage and other disputes. So understand the needs of customers, and actively cultivate a high quality of professional sales personnel, is now the key to the registration of Fang Zhong industry. The organization began to pay attention to the various types of personnel training and the development of moral character to Fang Zhong company to provide services, including the purchase of housing, selling houses, b & B, price negotiations, the flow of goods, charge d'affaires purchase, loans, mortgages The right to sell, register, property rights investigation and local affairs, etc., are required for brokers to provide manual services. In this paper, the author tries to set up the objectives and concepts, manage the concepts and techniques, improve the efficiency of organization and management, and find out the best competitive mode of Fang Zhongye for the change of internal and external environment.


一、 中文文獻
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