  • 學位論文


A Study on Taiwanese Investments and Managerial Patterns in VietNam

指導教授 : 顏建發


近年來,越南的經濟成長很快,外國企業對越南的投資增加,從經濟發展層面來看,有許多企業選擇越南做為他們的投資環境。越南加入世貿組織後,貿易發展逐漸蓬勃,企業認為投資在越南會比在其他國家的風險小了許多,台灣商業發展協會主席Vincent Yen 先生 認為 : 「越南擁有年輕的勞動人力、及計劃開發大型基礎設施和投資項目的吸引力,因此,台商希望能找到在越南的投資機會」。 由於外國企業的資本進駐越南,創造更多人口的就業機會和收入,勞工和企業之間的關係也得到了改善,許多企業擁有良好的勞資關係。 當然,也是有不少如實例顯示,企業的發展造成了勞 資 關係的衝突,尤其是在經濟利益的衝突上。許多勞資糾紛引起了工人非法罷工,而罷工行為使得勞資雙方的關係交惡。越南和台灣的政府現在也進行更積極的改善措施,但始終成效不彰。勞資關係一旦交惡,接踵而來的就是工人的權益受到損害,阻礙商業及經濟的發展,影響社會治安及越南的社會保障及投資環境。 不論如何大多數企業必須更好地建立雇主與僱員之間的關係,才能提高投資者和員工的收益,並進一步開展更廣泛的業務、追求更高的利潤。本論文研究的主題在於 :了解台商雇主在越南的經營模式與智慧,以及除此之外仍,然存在什麼樣的問題,而該問題又應如何克服?本論文希望藉由台商在越南投資的用工之研究而理出解決方案,從而協助提供對勞資雙方都達到雙贏目標的管理方式,進一步協助企業提高生產效率。 這一類的內容雖然已有很多人做過研究,但不同的是,一般的研究是從在台灣的台灣雇主及越南工人的勞資關係角度來認識勞資關係、情況及解決方法;但本研究的研究是探討在越南的台商與越南勞工之間的勞資關係。本論文將提出一些過去未曾被提及的問題與層面。本研究將採質性研究的取向,以深度訪談、參與觀察及文獻探討為研究方法,並選取5家台商赴越南投資員工進行分析。 關鍵詞: 越南、台商、人力資源管理方式、員工管理。


In recent years, Vietnam economy has been developing rapidly. Foreign companies are increasing their investment in Vietnam. From the angle of economic development, Vietnam is chosen by many companies to be investment environment. After joining WTO, Vietnam’s trade development is dramatically booming. Invested companies see that the risk of investment in Vietnam will be minor in comparison with other countries. “Vietnam has a young labor workforce, large scale of infrastructure development plan and attractive investment programs. Therefore, Taiwan hopes to seek a chance of investment in Vietnam” said Mr. Vincent, President of Taiwan Association of enterprise development. Thus, the number of foreign companies in Vietnam is increasing and industrial relations in enterprises have been improved. Of course there are many examples showing that the development of companies also comes together with conflict of industrial relations especially in conflict related to economic benefits. Labor disputes lead to illegal strikes which make the relations among employers and workers worser. Vietnamese and Taiwanese government are currently having positive methods to improve this even it did not reach its effectiveness. Industrial relations get worse causing damages for rights and benefits of workers, blocking business and economic development, social security and investment environment in Vietnam.No matter what happens, companies need to establish better relations between workers and companies in order to improve profit for investors and workers and continue to develop larger companies with higher profit. The topic of this thesis is heading to find out the method of using labor in Vietnam of Taiwanese companies, existing problems and how to deal with it? This study hopefully will set some solutions to deal with matters of management for the sake of both sides to reach same goals. Unlike other studies researching on general industrial relations from the viewpoints of workers and Taiwanese employers to understand industrial relations and solutions, this study shall present some matters at different level in the past which have not been mentioned before.This research shall apply methodologies of quantitative research and in depth interview, observation and literature review with selection of 05 Taiwanese current operating companies located in 03 provinces of Vietnam to analyze. Keywords: Vietnam, Taiwanese companies, human resource management, labor management.


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2. 王宏仁,蔡承宏 (2007),「越南台商工廠內部族群分工與職位升遷」中興大學,行銷學系,碩士論文。
3. 王雄仁 (2004),「他者論述、管理實務與在地抵抗:以越南台商工廠為例」頁51-52。
4. 江惠翎 (1999),「大陸台商管理模式之研究」,國立臺北大學,企業管理學系,碩士論文。
5. 李允傑 (1996),「勞基法,中小企業與勞資關係,勞工行政」,頁11-17。
