  • 學位論文


The Relationship among Logistic Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty-Take Wholesale Business for Instance

指導教授 : 梁榮輝 陳文郎


近年來,在全球化的影響下,經濟環境的變化尤其快速,企業為因應這樣的情況下,首先在傳統的買賣交易的商務行為模式下,發展出了一種以顧客服務為導向的商業行為,期望建立長久的一種買賣關係模式,因此建立關係變成為一種新的交易趨勢,尤其以在企業之間更是一種新的商業關係模式。 在整個商業行為演進的過程中,以及在追求未來長期性利益為考量下,彼此之間的關係建立在競爭、衝突、談判、協調與妥協的行為下,以求得最大利潤的服務滿意績效由此而生。 本研究透過機械零附件通路買賣業-大華貿易股份有限公司為研究對象,並以SEM(結構方程式)理論模式與驗證假說,透過問卷的方式進行販售通路網路對客戶關係建立與服務物流服務進行調查,並參考有關顧客服務滿意度、忠誠度、商業知識分享、以及供應鏈管理等文獻。在研究中並進一步探討服務滿意度是否為顧客忠誠度之關鍵因素。


In recent years, the globalization affects the fast changing of the economic environment. Industries in order to response this situation, first of all, sale and purchase transactions in the traditional mode of business conduct has develop a customer service-oriented business practices, and expecting to establishing a long-term buyer-seller relationship model. Therefore, build up a good relationship become a new trend in trade, especially for industries, it would be a new relationship of business. Business practices throughout the course of evolution, as well as in the pursuit of long-term interests of future consideration, to establish the relationship between competition, conflict, negotiation, coordination and compromise under the act, in order to achieve maximum profits from the performance of the service satisfaction this for us. In this study, pathways through the sale of machinery spare parts industry, take DaHwa Co., Ltd. as subjects. To use SEM (structural equation modeling) model and to verify the assumption by the questionnaire to sell network access to customers the relationship between the establishment of logistics services and services to investigate, and refer to the customer service satisfaction, loyalty, and business knowledge-sharing, as well as supply chain management literature. In this study would explore that whether service satisfaction was the key factor for customer loyalty or not.


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