  • 學位論文


Study on the Relationship among Degree of Involvement, Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty - Base on the Type of Internet Shop and Customer Relationship Combination

指導教授 : 呂鴻德


顧客滿意與品牌忠誠度之關係,在實務界及學術界已被廣泛的探討與應用;同時,也是行銷範疇中非常重要的部分。過去許多學者是以單一及傳統產業為研究的出發點,有鑑於網際網路的興起,本研究擬以不同的「網路商店」類型及消費涉入程度之觀點對顧客關係結合類型、顧客滿意及品牌忠誠度加以採討。 基於研究背景、動機及相關文獻與實證之歸納,本研究則以網路商店所提供之產品/服務種類多寡及產品/服務類型做為分類之基礎,將網路商店分為購物綜合型、資訊綜合型、購物專賣型及資訊專賣型四大類加以分析;針對不同網路商店類型及涉入程度對顧客關係結合類型、顧客滿意及品牌忠誠度之關聯性,以建立本研究之架構。 經由在各大BBS站張貼填問卷送大獎資訊,本研究共取得572份問卷,經扣除175份重覆填答之及無效問卷後,共有397份有效問卷。利用結構化方程模型(structural equation model,簡稱SEM) 及迴歸方法來檢定本研究之各假說,採EQS for Windows 5.7b軟體加以分析,而得本研究之重要結論如下: 1.不論何種網路商店,顧客關係結合類型間有正向關係。 2.不論何種網路商店,顧客關係結合類型與顧客滿意度有正向關係。 3.不論何種網路商店,顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度有正向關係。 4.四大類之網路商店(購物綜合型、資訊綜合型、購物專賣型、資訊專賣型)之顧客關係結合類型與忠誠度有正向關係;但整體網路商店則否。 5.除了資訊專賣型網路商店在購買涉入與顧客關係結合類型有正向相關外;其餘各類網路商店無正向關係。 6.不論何種網路商店,購買涉入程度與顧客滿意度有正向關係。 7.除了購物綜合型及資訊專賣型網路商店在購買涉入程度與顧客忠誠度有正向關係外;其餘網路商店皆無正向關係。


The relationship between customer satisfaction and brand loyalty has widely applied on business and academic fields. Furthermore, it is a very import part of marketing category. For this topic, most of the scholars focused on the singular and traditional industry. This research intends to probe into the combination types of customer relationship, customer satisfaction and brand loyalty from the view of different types of the Internet shops and consumer involvement degrees. According to the background, motivation and the relevant research reports, we classify the types of internet shop into four: integrated shopping store, integrated information store, exclusive shopping store, exclusive information store by its product or service variety. We build the research model and indicate the relationship among involvement degrees, customer satisfaction, and also, the brand loyalty in the different types of Internet shops By sending the questionnaire information through BBS, we got 572 included 175 invalid, 397 respondents were valid. After using structural equation model and regression by EQS for Windows 5.7b to analysis and examine the hypothesis, we find the important conclusion as below: 1. The relationship between combination types of customer relationship is positive completely. 2. The relationship between combination types of customer relationship and customer satisfaction is positive completely. 3. The relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty is positive completely. 4. The relationship between combination types of customer relationship and customer loyalty is positive in four types internet shop (integrated shopping store, integrated information store, exclusive shopping store, exclusive information store), but with negative answer in the entirety shops. 5. The relationship between purchasing involvement and combination types of customer relationship is positive only in exclusive information store, others with negative answer. 6. The relationship between purchasing involvement and customer satisfaction is positive completely. 7. The relationship between purchasing involvement and customer loyalty is positive in integrated shopping store and exclusive information store; others with negative answer.


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