  • 學位論文


A Study of AIIB and One Belt One Road.

指導教授 : 薛朝勇


在歐亞大陸間,雖地理與地緣看似近,但卻呈現了一種遠隔重洋的現象,回首過去二千多年的歷史,曾出現多次的帝國征服及族國戰爭,但兩者皆無法為歐亞之間建立穩固和平的連接紐帶。 隨著科技的發展,各國之間的經貿情勢越演越烈。中國為了使自己國家進步,推動一帶一路(One Belt and One Road)策略。一帶一路為絲綢之路經濟帶(Silk Road Economic Belt)及21世紀海上絲綢之路(21st Century Maritime Silk Road)的簡稱。「一帶」指的是絲綢之路經濟帶;「一路」則是21世紀的海上絲綢之路。 一帶一路戰略構想的提出,有效推動公路、鐵路、港口和機場等建設,讓歐亞大陸重新連接起來,成功將中國經濟推向發展與繁榮。 亞洲基礎設施投資銀行(Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank,AIIB),簡稱亞投行。總部將設在中國北京,法定資本為1,000億美元,其中一半由中國承擔。 從「一帶一路」到「亞投行」,可以看出中國以共建、框架思路、合作重點、合作機制為原則,打造出自己在亞洲區域經濟的影響力,進而以霸主身份來影響國際社會。此作法已成為現在國際之間的話題焦點,吸引歐洲各國紛紛參與。而身為國際權威的美國當然也不會坐視不管,國際之間將會掀起什麼樣的風暴?本研究針對一帶一路及亞投行作全面介紹與論述。


This study is aimed at exploring the establishment of The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and it’s implications. AIIB is a proposed international financial institution which is focused on supporting infrastructure construction in the Asia-Pacific region. The bank was proposed as an initiative by the government of China and supported by 37 regional and 20 non-regional members Prospective Founding Members. AIIB is regarded by some as a rival for the IMF, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, which are regarded as dominated by developed countries like the United States. One Belt, One Road is a development strategy and framework, proposed by China that focuses on connectivity and cooperation among countries primarily in Eurasia, which consists of two main components, the land-based "Silk Road Economic Belt" (SREB) and oceangoing "Maritime Silk Road" (MSR). The strategy underlines China's push to take a bigger role in global affairs, and its need to export China's production capacity in areas of overproduction such as steel manufacturing.


(1)人民網(2015,0522)。馬英九:不計毀譽爭取加入亞投行 為臺灣找出路。取自http://tw.people.com.cn/n/2015/0522/c104510-27043591.html
(3)Sid Weng(2015,0415)。中國央視曝光官方版「一帶一路」路線圖海陸串連全球44億人口。取自http://www.thenewslens.com/post/151060/
