  • 學位論文


The System of Stability Training for Baseball Pitcher Based on the Internet of Things Technology

指導教授 : 廖炯州


控球是一個投手大問題,而且每一個投手遇到控球上的問題時,狀況都不同,解決的方法也不同,有些人可能一個月就可以改進控球問題,但是也有人花了好幾年才找出問題的癥結所在,無論如何要改進控球最重要的就是多練習,增加自己的熟練度以及穩定性,漸漸的控球就會改進。 而本研究主要以物聯網的技術來架設整套系統並紀錄棒球投手的練習數據來分析棒球投手的投球穩定度,進而了解此選手的近期情況,而教練及分析員可隨時透過網頁即時數據掌控選手的近況,並加以分析並針對你的弱點提出訓練方法,研究以Arduino與Raspberry pi 為主,透過Arduino來處理棒球九宮格裝置,Raspberry pi作為資料庫,而資料庫端選擇MongoDB以JSON的格式傳輸,以JaveScript作為核心語言去開發,使用MongoDB資料庫儲存資料,方便讀寫,可應用於投球落點資料儲存,以便分析棒球投手的熟練度以及穩定度。


Arduino Raspberry pi3 Node.JS MongoDB MQTT


Pitch control is a big problem for pitchers. The pitchers have different pitching conditions and the solutions are different. Some people can improve the pitching problem in a month, but others have spent several years getting the cause of the problem. That improving the pitching requires more practice to increase your proficiency and stability, and gradually improve the problem. This paper primarily uses the technology of the Internet of Things to set up a system to record the practice data of baseball pitchers to analyze the pitching stability of baseball pitchers, and to understand the recent situation of this player. Coaches and analysts can observe the player's Pitching data through the webpage at any time, analyze it and propose training methods for your weaknesses. The experiment is based on Arduino and Raspberry pi. Create a pitching training device through Arduino and use Raspberry pi as a database. The database selects MongoDB, and The data is transmitted in JSON format. Develop with Javascript as a language, use MongoDB to store data for easy reading and writing. It can be used to store pitching data to analyze the proficiency and stability of baseball pitchers.


Arduino Raspberry pi3 Node.JS MongoDB MQTT


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[2] 職棒總教練的師父-葉國輝教練,投手控球利失靈原因探討,民國九十五年十一月十三日,痞客邦,取自:
[3] 大和有話說,萬物聯網,淺談IoT低功耗廣域網路趨勢:LoRa、SIGFOX、NB-IoT,民國一百零七年一月二十八日,大和有話說,取自:
