  • 學位論文


Explore the Strategy of Tourism Factory Transformation From The Traditional Food Factory-A Company Case Study

指導教授 : 陳春盛 沈群英


經濟部工業局推動的觀光工廠輔導計畫已見成效,許多企業為提升形象及增加業績紛紛轉型為觀光工廠,目前以觀光類型的博物館已經成為地方上的地標,同時政府近年大力推動在地產業文化與觀光動線的結合,要讓製造產業走向觀光。目前各家大廠積極拓展觀光景點布局,並增加市占率進而提升品牌知名度,光在桃園境內就有20家觀光工廠,加深社會大眾對「觀光工廠」由製造業轉型服務業的識別形象,吸引遊客前往在地產業體驗探索。 本研究以食品觀光工廠產業為對象,探討個案公司在面臨經營環境變遷,面臨轉型成為觀光工廠,所面臨的決策與問題,深入研究其經營創新的策略,同時探討巧克力博物館形成之時代背景、企業沿革、轉型決策、經營理念及營業範圍等相關資訊,進而分析其如何運用創新的經營策略打造出巧克力王國。 本研究採專家訪談法及個案觀察法等方式進行探討,研究發現個案公司轉型所採取的策略有1.品牌創新:體認到為品牌加分的重要,大膽以「巧克力文化」為基礎,催生「巧克力博物館」。2.文化創意:發展周邊文創商品準備以活潑趣味的方式訴說巧克力的故事3.誠信經營:謹慎的規劃出參觀動線,整合前後場的作業流程,讓消費者看得放心,同時吃的安心。


The effectiveness of the tourism-factory transformation counseling program promoted by Industrial Development Bureau of Ministry of Economic Department has paid off. A lot of companies transformed into tourism-factory for enhancing their company image and increasing projected performance. Many tourism-factory or museums has become a local landmark. In recent years, the industry combined with culture- and sightseeing- routes supporting by the government are the common issues nowadays. There were more than 20 tourism-factories in Taoyuan territory in 2011. The transformation strategy of food tourism-factory industry was the focus of this study. This work wants to explore the transformation strategies of a case company what was the reaction decision when the case company facing the business environment changes by expert in-depth interviews and observations. The era background, history, business vision, business mission, transformation decision-making process, and the projected being a chocolate Kingdom of the case company tourism-factory, i.e. chocolate museum, will be analyzed and representation accordingly. The findings of this case study are: 1. brand innovation, recognizing the importance-plus of the brand, creating the "Chocolate Museum” based on the "Chocolate Culture" for expanding the business operating; 2. cultural originality, developing the surrounding relative goods to represent a lively and interesting story of a chocolate; 3. integrity business operation: planning the visit movement dedicatedly, integrating the processes of the front and back end of the field and represented transparently for the consumers.


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