  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李小梅


閥類製品是歷久不衰的傳統產業,單美國市場一年進口值便可高達50億美元,台灣慣以外銷為導向,每年閥製出口值也達170億台幣之多,在石油替代品未出現前,閥製品仍是一項極有前景的明星產業。 由於國際化結果,科技和傳產的產業趨勢愈來愈相似,都是求新、求快,談規模、談價格,而且都同樣面臨大陸強力低價競爭,也造成許多台灣企業不得不在外移或轉型上做抉擇。 本研究以A 公司為研究對象,以個案研究方式進行,探討A公司在經營面臨瓶頸且資源有限之環境下,如何善用本身條件來採取適當的轉型策略,在追求客戶及供應商利益平衡的原則下,有效地與供需雙方達到互補、互惠及和平共生,並且避免與競爭對手進行惡性價格競爭,以保全實力累積資源,最後終於達到轉型成功的目的。 本研究發現A公司以重視「人與人關係」為企業價值的核心,重視組織間的溝通、互動,並將這些理念延伸做為解決供需雙方衝突的處理原則。此外,A公司也非常重視人員的素質,藉著人員特有的靈活性及判斷力來彌補系統及制度上的不足之處,進而再將人員經驗納入ERP模組中,累積成為系統的一部分。 本研究針對A公司所提建議如下:(1)培養內部ERP系統發展團隊;(2)開放系統資源並協助供應商製程管理;(3)以開發新客戶來稀釋現有客戶比重;(4)建立一套能吸引優秀經營人才的分享制度。另外,本研究也針對台灣閥製品代工業提出兩點建議:(1)進行產品升級,朝向高階閥製品發展;(2)進行產業整合,共享資源。


Valve production is a long-standing traditional industry. The American market alone can import up to 5 billion USD in one year. Taiwan is a main source. Every year manufacturers export as much as 17 billion NT$ worth of valve products. Before the emergence of petroleum replacement products,valve products will still clearly be an important feature in the foreground of the industry. As a consequence of globalization,science and technology, as well as industrial production, share a common tendency, in that both are striving for change, for speed, for greater scope, and for better prices. Furthermore both must also face up against brutal, low price competition from Mainland China. This has meant that many Taiwan enterprises have had no choice but to relocate outside the country or otherwise transform their modes of production. In this research we use a real company, Company A, as a research target. The case study method is utilized to inquire into how this company faces bottlenecks due to limited resources,how it successfully adapts suitable tactics to meet its own requirements for transformation,and how it balances client, customer, and supplier needs to arrive at effective mutually beneficial supply and demand systems, that is mutually beneficial symbiosis, and finally how to avoid adversarial conflict and vicious price competition,so as to protect real strength, accumulate resources,and in the end reach the final goal of successful transformation. In this research we discover that for Company A, the important concept of “person to person interrelations” forms the kernel of the company values. Importance is attached to organizational communication and interaction. These ideas are also extended to solve supply and demand conflict and to management principles. In addition,a lot of importance is attached to the quality of their staff,which is characterized by being able to use flexibility and judgment to remedy deficiencies in the system or institutional rules. The next step is to channel accumulated staff experience, based on the enterprise resource planning(ERP) pattern,into part of the system。 On the basis of this research we suggest the following principles:(1)foster an internal ERP system development team;(2)open up system resources to assist suppliers, manufacturers, engineers and management;(3)find new customers to increase existing market share;(4)set up a system to attract outstanding management talent. In addition we also put forth two suggestions for Taiwan’s valve products industry:(1)expand production toward more high quality valve products;(2)carry on industry integration and sharing of resources.


陳建男(民92),產業情境分析與策略發展關係之研究—以TFT-LCD 產業為例,元智大學企業管理學系碩士班未發表的碩士論文。
