  • 學位論文


The effects of information platform on organization communication

指導教授 : 歐陽惠華


近年來隨著科技發達以及資訊技術進步,國內外大小企業紛紛導入e化,且移動性手持裝置需求大增,更加快人與人、群體與群體之間的密切聯繫,進而擴大演變至社群網路,已達溝通無國界,資訊零時差的通訊世代。溝通是人們日常生活中,傳達人與人之間彼此思想與意念,並讓對方相互瞭解的行為。組織間溝通則是指組織成員與團體透過適當的管道,將意見、事實、價值、觀念、態度、情感等種種訊息,傳達給對方的一種歷程,目的是在增進了解、建立共識、協調行動、集思廣益或滿足成員需求,進而達成預定的目標。而本研究針對企業內部組織溝通平台,如何利用相關科技技術,達到組織內部訊息溝通準確、高效率、資訊有效性等進行探討出資訊技術系統對於企業資訊及人際關係何者之貢獻度較高、並比較不同資訊系統對於組織內溝通效能之影響以及哪些資訊技術較能提升組織內溝通效益,從資訊平台對企業資訊與人際關係來探討不同資訊平台進而產生溝通的效用。本研究採個案研究法,個案公司原採用傳統溝通平台為單一電子郵件傳遞,進而評估新式資訊平台整合系統,建立良好溝通媒介以利進行跨部門業務傳達,使往來迅速且確實。訪談對象為組織內各相關部門主管及使用者,共計十人,二拾七人次,總訪談時數約六個半個小時。此外進行參與研究,以了解技術性的問題。因為企業內部資訊傳達需即時、跨組織而較為繁雜且不易進行,溝通管道僅採單一手簽表單或電子郵件傳遞,易造成資訊混淆及決策錯誤,而在過去的電子郵件技術雖帶給予組織相當迅速之訊息傳遞管道,但亦因近年來廣告郵件及垃圾郵件盛行,傳統郵件系統已無法供更多相關篩選功能,造成使用者閱讀郵件及重要資訊上困難。 因應Web2.0時代來臨,指出Web作為平台的特徵,其特色為“互動”與“分享”,強調的是雙向互動而非單向傳播,用戶分享而非獨斷,集體智慧而非單一智慧,進而產生創新的服務模式與價值鏈。 Web 2.0看作一種用戶體驗、資源分享、集體智慧、平台開放、輕量級用戶介面與經營模式的新態度與新思維。本研究中個案公司將原舊有傳統傳遞平台汰換,導入Microsoft Lync以及Exchange系統整合,將各種企業內外部通訊方式轉化為更加簡便、即時,且隨時隨地皆可使用的聯繫方式。企業運用整合平台,使溝通毫無阻礙,與公司內外部人員溝通良好順暢,強化資訊平台統一整合通訊功能,提供更快的運行速度、更好的擴展性,提升員工生產力,並協助企業降低整體擁有成本(TCO),提升企業競爭力。 透過企業內部溝通平台的應用,內部員工不但節省了傳統電子郵件往來與通話的時間,更可利用線上即時分享、討論議題追蹤、內部資訊分類,提升企業營運優勢,讓企業團隊能夠提升企業的組織生產力及內部員工的有效執行力。進而討論對於企業內部整合平台對於組織間訊息傳遞、人際關係的增進、溝通效能的增強訊息平台是否能夠達到比原有傳統溝通平台較為強大的效益。企業 e 化運作中的核心,除了企業內部的協同運作到與外部的訊息溝通外,還必須隨時隨處皆能夠安全無虞的收發不同角色所需要的訊息,並加強整合通訊、結合異質平台通訊器及瀏覽器,強化資料保存功能,加強遠端功能,全新打造一次能夠滿足企業協同作業需求、IT管理需求以及使用者應用需求的絕佳訊息平台系統。在提升系統穩定性及資料安全性、提升使用者工作效率、以及 IT 營運管理之便利性上皆有重大功能突破。近年來,智慧型手持裝置以及行動商務需求倍增,企業人員對於資訊即時需求增加,研究個案中以導入相關資訊技術整合相關溝通資源,以達不在辦公室,也能辦公事的效率目標,研究並發現新式內部溝通整合平台較適合企業所選用,因企業資訊架構不同於一般大眾使用的開放式架構,對於資訊保密集資訊安全要求層級較高、且須謹慎管理,避免遭有心人士惡意散播,導致商業機密外洩,且可改善傳統資訊處理方式,也改變組織成員的工作環境、工作秩序,更能依個體成員工作活動的不同需求而改變。可快速掌握會議狀況、工作進度,能更有效提升工作效率。本研究結論為:新式內部溝通整合平台較適合企業所使用:外部公開社群平台對人的間溝通效益較大;傳統E-Mail對事的溝通效益較大;企業內部溝通平台對組織內溝通較好。


As technology and information technology advance, businesses of all sizes in Taiwan are moving towards becoming e-business one after one. The demand for portable mobile devices grows significantly, speeding up the interpersonal and intergroup communications. As the result, social networks have bridged communications across borders, giving people instant access to real-time information. This project explores how an internal communication platform of a company can utilize technologies to provide accurate and highly efficient communications with information effect. It also discusses how information technology system contributes to efficient flow of information and improves interpersonal relationships within a corporation and which of the two benefits the most from it. Then this project compares the influence of different information systems on the effectiveness of communications within an organization and what information technology can better improve such effectiveness. How an information platform can promote information flow and interpersonal relationships and lead to better communications is also an issue explored. Information flow within a business is often a complicated and difficult process since it needs to be real-time and cross-organization. With sheets, forms and emails being the only communication tools in a company, it can easily cause confusion and lead to wrong decision-making. Although email has made communication within an organization fast and easy, the prevalence of junk mail and spam has made it difficult for users to read their emails to obtain crucial information. Not to mention the traditional e-mail system can no longer provide further filtering functions. In the web2.0 era, many platforms have gone online with interactive and sharing features, emphasizing its two way interactions instead of one-way communication. Users can share information and contribute to collective wisdom, which will eventually give rise to an innovative service model and value chain. Web 2.0 can be seen as a new attitude and perspective towards user experience, resources sharing, open platforms, lightweight user interface and business model. This study has also discovered that the new style internal communication integration platform is more suitable for businesses since they require tighter information security and their information needs to be managed carefully in order to prevent leaking of company classified information and trade secrets. The platform also improves the conventional information process as well as the work environment and the workflow within the organization. It can adapt to the needs of individual member’s work activities, keeps tracks of meetings and work progresses to further boost work efficiency within the organization. Therefore this study draws the conclusion that the new internal communication integration platform is suitable for businesses while open social media better bridges interpersonal communications; email helps users communicate over matters while an internal communication platform facilities communication within an organization.


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